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GregorGizeh ,

I would think that the heat releases flavors or causes chemical processes in the cheese that produce additional aromas not present in the normal state. I have no idea and am not qualified in any way.


  • my ass
GregorGizeh ,

You can use one of the tankie instances, they have plenty of deep left communities.

They are also blocked or defederated from most other fediverse instances for their obnoxious argumentativeness on any topic pertaining to China and Russia not being an absolute paradise on earth, but the option exists

GregorGizeh ,

Russian mentality. The ultimate subjects, taking pride in enduring whatever the fuck the government kills them for next.

GregorGizeh ,

Thats text book russian mentality: part of why nothing changes over there is because the people are willing to endure terrible living conditions, governments sending them into the meat grinder, corruption, virtually anything wrong, out of a weird mix of stubborn pride and stoic resignation. Perfect subjects: hardy, accepting, nationalistic.

GregorGizeh ,

I sunk some time in the game during the pandemic.


  • you can play the quests and experience the lore just fine, for free
  • lots of fan service in the game, for example plenty of series actors doing voices.


  • The game is on life support, and extremely dated. Most systems and mechanics have been gutted and streamlined so much, all you can do is get a feeling for how fun the game must have been in its prime
  • everything end level is extremely monetized, virtually all good ships and equipment require real money. Not to mention for a decent build you will need to buy multiple ships to obtain their abilities.
  • constant fomo: at virtually any point in time some fomo event is up trying to entice you to log in daily or spend spend spend. And all those monthly events feed into an even bigger fomo event that goes on all year. Also fomo deals on the real money shop that bring the absurd prices into almost reasonable ranges. A daily dilitihium refining cap (the only actually useful currency not 100% tied to real money)
  • and if that’s not enough, gambling on everything else. All events come with loot boxes, requiring real money keys. Item upgrades, stat reforging, everything is randomized. And requires real money or your very limited dilitihium.

Ultimately it’s fun to play through all the storylines and explore the world a bit, but unless you are willing to spend big you can’t get the good stuff. Also there is no end game except racing the dps meter against other whales.

GregorGizeh ,

I mean, the game of course gets its fomo content updates to keep milking the userbase, but there is no real substance.

When I played it I found myself frequently without anything to do, challenging PvE content doesn’t exist, and any progress you make past hitting max level serves no purpose either; except doing what you are already able to do but faster. I found it extremely difficult to reconcile this with my expectations of a game.

GregorGizeh ,

From what I could tell during playing, a ton of content has been made obsolete, hidden away or replaced.

For example the three specializations, which initially suggest a classic tank / dps / support split, are essentially all dps now because with the good real money stuff any build also has absurd sustain, ways to escape death, and damage to (literally) kill dozens of Borg cubes at once, taking 5 seconds tops.

I mean it’s fine if you enjoy the game, but it really isn’t a good game at all. It’s fun in that it is a way to immerse yourself in Trek content.

GregorGizeh ,

You’re quite welcome, citizen.

GregorGizeh ,

In my opinion the first Picard season is the best. It actually tries something different; a new crew and ship and rules.

Season 2 is in that patronizing and lecturing tone that feels extra misplaced for anyone outside the United States.

Season 3 is complete creative sellout and I hate it. It was sort of nice to see them all again, but that’s pretty much it. Nostalgia bait everywhere, with a weird hamfisted plot. Barely a single original idea in that series, just a theme park ride to check all the boxes… look at the old crew on the bridge! Even data is back after we just let him die in season 1! Look at the E N T E R P R I S E, and we are fighting the borg PLUS the changelings!

GregorGizeh ,

In this context, it means that a beard is a purely aesthetic choice that men cultivate for no reason but their vanity, like women who wear makeup.

GregorGizeh ,

Why would it?

Or, why would you think that?

GregorGizeh ,

Both are an affectation. But that’s nothing bad, we do so many things for appearances, it’s pretty normal. I have a pretty big beard myself, and for no reason except that it accentuates my face very well.

GregorGizeh ,

I interpreted that as her referring to the pretense that the beards of the guys is anything but vanity, who at first try to swing words like proud tradition and sign of masculinity as justification. IIRC she even says something like “there’s nothing wrong with it I just want you to admit it”.

But yeah I guess we are arguing semantics at this point because we both seem to agree on that a bit of vanity is completely fine and normal.

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  • GregorGizeh ,

    Fun fact: they all terminate pregnancies without issue. The only minor problem is that the prospecting mother usually dies from the side effects of being shot in the stomach

    GregorGizeh ,

    The game is basically a dumbed down version of stellaris with TNG flavor.

    Nothing wrong with that, but having played the original it is very unappealing.

    GregorGizeh ,

    So what you are saying is that it is a simplified (more polite than dumbed down) version of stellaris?

    No slight intended of course, enjoy whatever you prefer

    GregorGizeh ,

    No worries, I get heated up over my interests too. And you are correct that the learning curve is steep, but that’s pretty much all paradox games. Appealing to a certain niche of history or sci fi nerd who love controlling every single detail.

    If you have some questions about stellaris feel free to hit me up, I have over 4k hours logged in the game and written several mods for it.

    GregorGizeh , (edited )

    Just a side note: American fucked up definitions of words and ideologies are not “how things are called”. Liberals are not non committed leftists.

    GregorGizeh ,

    Nah I get it. I’m just not interested in adult cartoons, Rick and morty is similarly dead to me.

    When it was first released it was refreshing to watch a show that’s done with the tropes and storytelling, but the novelty wore off pretty quick and now I’m tired of jaded, unfazed, snarky cynics who take nothing serious. Get off the screen, get a fucking therapist you dysfunctional asshole.

    I much prefer real Trek, things that inspire hope and wonder, things that make me think of philosophical dilemmas, things that make me dream of a mankind not doomed to destroy itself.

    GregorGizeh ,

    That’s literally all there is to it. Even in the olden days it was a well known fact that a generation of young men without (economic, social, romantic) perspective is a generation who will radicalize to either side. If the system isn’t working for them they will seek to change the system.

    If politicians were serious about curbing extremism they would make sure everyone simply lives a decent standard of living, with prospects for their future.

    GregorGizeh ,

    It unreasonably annoys me that he wrote “television, smellevision, soundevision” and not television, telesmell, telesound"

    GregorGizeh , (edited )

    Even the creators agree that it sucks tremendously and suggest that the second to last episode is the supposed season finale (the one ending with archer pulling a Picard, giving an epic speech)

    GregorGizeh ,

    On one hand, I am glad Trek is still alive and kicking. On the other hand, I am worried all these new shows and spin offs, and spin offs of new shows will cause the franchise to go the way of Star Wars, constantly churning out new mediocre shows leading to viewer fatigue and disengagement.

    GregorGizeh ,

    I think they are saying that there is a difference between genetic manipulation and eugenics. While the latter is the former, the reverse is not necessarily also the case. Our concept of eugenics explicitly tries to perfect mankind, through genetic modification and selective breeding. This is the actually creepy part of doing it. People deciding for other people if their genome is worthy enough to be allowed to reproduce. Utterly incompatible with our understanding of individual rights.

    It is also uncomfortably close to nazi ideology, with aryan / pureblood German genes being desirable, and other ethnic origins not so much, leading to sterilizations in the „best“ of cases, ethnic cleansing in the others.

    That being said, there are those doomsday instructions in the American desert, for our successor civilizations on big slabs of rock, written in pictograms. And one of those rules explicitly tells them to perform eugenics, to ensure mankind never reaches our current population numbers again, so they may never have to fight over a shortage of resources. And to ensure those humans will live in harmony with our world.

    GregorGizeh ,

    I would argue the bynars are not doing it voluntarily either though. According to phlox in ENT, right after birth a surgeon removes a certain part of the newborn‘s brain, replacing and connecting it with their central computer.

    And I would argue a literal newborn cannot give consent to this. The only difference to the Borg appears to be the larger degree of individuality, though that seems questionable too, considering how interlinked they are in the TNG episode.

    GregorGizeh ,

    Oh wow, that’s sad to hear, but not surprising I suppose. I hope they replace them in some way before shit hits the fan

    GregorGizeh ,

    True, i suppose the fact they only enhance their own species helps as well in making them palatable to the federation species.

    GregorGizeh ,

    Lmao, rich kids at a rich kid school larping having values and then panicking upon discovering that those have consequences.

    GregorGizeh ,

    Shockingly, I am not from the one place on earth where mass shootings are a common occurrence.

    Also, what doxxing? this is a response to an article about Harvard students discovering that employers don’t appreciate employees critical of the system.

    GregorGizeh ,

    Ah that’s certainly something much different.

    GregorGizeh ,

    It looks very much like stellaris, so if this appeals to you that might be up your alley as well. Can highly recommend, forgot to go to bed many times

    GregorGizeh ,

    He is also admiral jarok during the romulan defector episode of TNG, and future alexander (worfs son) trying to change his own future.

    And I would bet a couple others, dude is really recognizable and plays his roles well.

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