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Ubermeisters ,

I don’t always block lemmy users, but when I do, it’s because they post the same thing to multiple places in a Federated community.

Ubermeisters ,

It’s a lot of words to say Republicans are fucking morons but we already knew that

Ubermeisters ,

They only care about owning the libs now, it’s about winning and being right, not about doing what’s best for the country. Nobody gives a fuck about the country anymore it’s just something they use as a bargaining chip here and there.

Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin. ( www.motherjones.com )

The United States’ poverty rate experienced its largest one-year jump on record last year, with the rate among children more than doubling from 2021’s historic low of 5.2 percent to 12.4 percent according to new numbers from the US Census Bureau out today. They’re the latest data to reflect the devastating effects...

Ubermeisters ,

You do realize using the word bourgeois instantly lets people know that you aren’t to be listened to, right? I’m going to call it a cat whistle because it’s the opposite of a dog whistle.

Ubermeisters ,

Oh wow how unusual, a hexbear user being an absolute useless pile of garbage, how unusual…

Ubermeisters ,

Can we fucking defederate from hexbear already? I’m so tired of these tween shitheads having the worst informed hot takes and trolling. Generally, I don’t mind a good trolling, I can appreciate the humor of it, but these guys don’t have any. They’re just fucking Edge Lords for the sake of it. Be gone

Ubermeisters ,

Such an intelligent take

Ubermeisters ,

This post was brigated by users from hexbear. It’s probably the lowest sum total IQ group I’ve ever seen online…

Ubermeisters ,

Your feeble attempts to take a stab at the motivation behind my comment has failed you miserably sorry. My concern is the users are severely degrading the overall content quality every time they show up. It’s not that I care about their descending opinions, it’s the fact that their childish and don’t have good arguments and act like absolute cunts everywhere they go. I don’t give a fuck what anybody believes, but don’t be a fucking idiot about it.

Ubermeisters ,

Wow you’re really owning me left and right

Ubermeisters ,

That’s because hexbear users have decided to brigade this post, ergo, any chance of meaningful discussion is gone.

Ubermeisters ,

"I’m 11"

  • you, just now
Ubermeisters , (edited )

"You’re different; I’m scared"

  • you,6 hours ago
Ubermeisters ,

Lmao ok bub, have a great life

Ubermeisters ,

Someday you’re going to get tired of the smell of your own anus and pull your head out of there

Ubermeisters ,

Aw you’re worried about my beliefs at all how inappropriate

Ubermeisters ,

Not touching not touching not touching not touching not touching why are you mad I didn’t touch you

Ubermeisters , (edited )

-posting error-

Ubermeisters ,

You tried. You failed, but at leastyou can always know you tried.

Ubermeisters ,

They’re so communist they have no understanding of the concept of “u” lol

Ubermeisters ,

Same but it’s obnoxious and they bring literally zero value so can we just nuke em

Ubermeisters ,

I said nothing of the sort. You’re making very uneducated assumptions based on your extremely biased expectations.

Also, go fuck yourself. You’re getting that part right I’m sure of it 🙃

Ubermeisters ,

Tbh my comments seem to be showing up in the wrong areas and idk if it’s a lemmy issue or an app issue but it’s happened in a few spots today. I’ll delete the comment contents because at this point idk where it was supposed to be.

Ubermeisters , (edited )

I’ve defended nobody, and I’m blocking you for being an ignorant twat

Ubermeisters ,

Those PASS devices sound like a really creepy cricket noise almost when they chirp together but out of phase from each other.

Ubermeisters , (edited )

Value being subjective of course.

I dropped out of college and eventually wound up with a job that pays as good as the job I was previously going to college for, with room to suceed more still.

Ubermeisters , (edited )

Best education in the world! Nobody learns gooder nowhere else

Biden bars oil drilling across a wide swath of Alaska's Arctic ( grist.org )

The Biden administration took steps to set aside millions of acres of undeveloped land and vital habitat for migratory birds, grizzly and polar bears, and caribou in the Arctic on Wednesday, announcing plans to prevent drilling in some areas and cancel all remaining oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge — a...

Ubermeisters ,

And admit they were wrong??? They would literally rather have a civil war

Ubermeisters ,

Yes let’s argue about the title here instead of the egregious issue on display

Trump Defenses of Georgia Phone Call Are Strong Arguments Against Trump 2024 Campaign ( slate.com )

According to Vox, the judge who listened to Meadows’ argument on Monday “appeared skeptical.” There are many problems with the case, but part of the gist is that White House employees are prohibited by law from attempting to influence the outcome of elections, and Meadows can be shown to have known that. As such, one of...

Ubermeisters , (edited )

I was just following orders how would I have been expected to understand the implications

It’s funny how these people are all complete and absolute morons whenever “common sense” is the baseline denominator to hold them against… these people do not represent us if they don’t understand the scope of thier positions.

So which is it? Either you know full well what you did, or: you shouldn’t have been in the office in the first place? Both are issues.

FCC says “too bad” to ISPs complaining that listing every fee is too hard ( arstechnica.com )

Comcast and other ISPs objected to a requirement that ISPs “list all recurring monthly fees” including “all charges that providers impose at their discretion, i.e., charges not mandated by a government.” They complained that the rule will force them “to display the pass-through of fees imposed by federal, state, or...

Ubermeisters ,

They know exactly how shitty their services are, they pay people to use them to make sure that they’re still shitty enough

Ubermeisters ,

( attempting to overthrow democracy )

Ubermeisters ,

I’ve never bothered to check out the King5 website before now and let me tell you, I wont be back. Shit website giving me popups even with ublock and adblock. Guess i don’t need to read it.

Here’s a video of the troll being built, to counteract my saltiness about the shitty website:


Ubermeisters ,

Idk are you in a Seattle community post with a link to the King5 news station website? Which happens to be ass?

Palin’s Civil War Threat a Sign of Very Bad Things to Come ( nymag.com )

Here’s the scary thing that ensures this rhetoric will only escalate: By labeling his multiple indictments “election interference” (the very crime of which he is charged by both federal and state prosecutors), Trump has now made his “rigged election” claim for 2024 well over a year in advance. If and when he loses the...

Ubermeisters ,

deaf from how loud these dog whistles are getting

Ubermeisters ,


AOC leads call for federal ethics investigation into Clarence Thomas ( www.theguardian.com )

Five House Democrats led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York wrote to the US attorney general, Merrick Garland, to demand a federal investigation of the conservative supreme court justice Clarence Thomas, over his acceptance of undeclared gifts from billionaire rightwing donors....

Ubermeisters ,

They can request a hearing in front of the House Judiciary Committee or the Senate Judiciary Committee to discuss the matter, or they can attempt to introduce new legislation which creates an independent committee to investigate.

Ubermeisters ,

we can always just eat them

Ubermeisters ,

Argentina’s leading presidential candidate Javier Milei pledged to close the nation’s central bank while saying he would make every effort to avoid a default on the country’s sovereign debt if he wins the October vote.

Has there been any psych research about why some people prefer certain kinds of pets over others?

There’s a billion quizzes online that say they can help you choose your first pet, and my 45 minutes of googling before posting this did turn up a single blog that suggested that owners of a class of pet share certain personality traits and lifestyles (although they frustratingly seemed to forget that people own things like...

Ubermeisters ,

I remember hearing that dog people like to be looked in the eyes more often than cat people do. Idk about the reliability of this vague memory though.

"I've never seen anything like it": Economic analyst stunned at sources of Jared Kushner's funds ( www.salon.com )

Economic analyst Steven Rattner on Monday shared a pie chart showing that all but 1% of the $3 billion in investments in former President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner’s private equity firm Affinity Partners came from foreign sources after he “spent much of his White House tenure cozying up” to Saudi Arabia and...

Ubermeisters ,

I think they like the smell of their own farts

Ubermeisters ,

Alternatively: file that fucker down then hit it with some sandpaper then a scouting pad, and worry less overall about it. Nail files would be fine even, just clean them with a hard bristled brush after. That metal should be pretty soft.

Ubermeisters ,

The slippers have their own cute charm though I’ll admit

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