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stargazingpenguin ,

TNG 4x12 - The Wounded

Marc Alaimo playing a Cardassian besides Dukat!

stargazingpenguin ,

I'm pretty sure it never showed up again! This was also the only episode they pronounced kanar as kaynar instead of kuhnar. I'd have to look through the episode to be sure, but I think the Cardassian phasers were also a different color than the orange they were in later appearances.

It's always interesting to see how they change things as they see what works. It does make me wonder what the original pronunciation of kanar was though. Did the actor read it wrong, or did they change it!

stargazingpenguin ,

Very interesting! I had been planning to look up the episode to see for sure, but I forgot to do it.

The pronunciation they ended up going with rolls off the tongue a little easier for me, so maybe that was the reason. I don't remember the first DS9 episode to mention it, but I remembered it being in 2x21 The Wire, so I looked that up. By this point it had been changed to the more common version.

stargazingpenguin ,

Because it's Into Darkness, or because it's Star Trek?

stargazingpenguin ,

Ah, got it! I agree on Dukat too, I just haven't seen any other TV series with a villain that good.

stargazingpenguin ,

I'm looking forward to having a Star Trek game that sounds like it has the feel of Star Trek! I've been waiting for the Steam release, and I'm curious to see what it's like.

stargazingpenguin ,

I got an email from them on this. Sad that they're not doing it anymore, but I was able to get all of the ships I really wanted! I would still like the 1701-A, 1701-C, and DS9 all in XL, but I just can't justify the cost right now.

stargazingpenguin , (edited )

They are generally really good quality, especially the XL ships. Just judging by the ones I have though, I'm not sure about the others. I can definitely understand them not being worth the money to everyone though. I did get a few of the smaller ships, but I wasn't as impressed with them. They generally feel and look cheaper, there's just not as much detail.

stargazingpenguin ,

One can always hope! While Star Trek collectibles are often expensive, they are something I'm willing to dig up the money for!

stargazingpenguin OP ,

Thanks for the input! I had crossposted it to the .world instance as well, and someone there had suggested a tight crop like this which I really liked.

I will definitely try what you suggested! Editing is something that I would like to dig into more.

stargazingpenguin OP ,

Sounds good, thanks for the input!

billmason , to Star Trek avatar
stargazingpenguin ,

That's sad. While I didn't enjoy every aspect of it, I quite enjoyed it overall. I'm happy to hear season 3 isn't supposed to be the last for SNW though.

DSLR vs Mirrorless Decision

I’ve started rediscovering photography again after a multi year break, and I’ve currently got a decision to make. I’ve started doing some more macro photography recently, and I’m to the point I would like to purchase a macro lens. However, I now realize that new DSLR cameras seem to be on their way out and mirrorless is...

stargazingpenguin OP ,

Have you run into any caveats while using the adapter? I’ve heard comments about adapters sometimes causing issues with EXIF data, but I could easily see that being caused by cheaper adapters.

stargazingpenguin OP ,

That was my viewpoint on it as well. I don’t want to invest too far only to switch accessories a few years down the road.

stargazingpenguin OP ,

Since you mentioned the XT100, what do you think about the lack of the large right hand grip versus your D750? I like the retro aesthetic, but I’ve got larger hands and I’m unsure of how comfortable it would be long term.

stargazingpenguin ,

If they kept it similar to SNW I would watch a spin-off with Wesley as lead, but I would much rather see a show with none of the legacy characters. I have enjoyed his take on Kirk in the appearances we’ve seen so far, but he could just as easily be a different character without changing much of the story.

I would personally enjoy seeing something new, like a series on a small exploration/medical ship. No huge stakes or galaxy ending crisis happening, just one little ship solving problems around the quadrant. Maybe transfer a few of the SNW specific characters like Ortegas and La’an if they want continuity, but a brand new cast would be great too. But that’s just me, and Paramount didn’t ask me to be a writer!

stargazingpenguin ,

First of all, thanks for the giveaway!

My first Star Trek game was actually Star Trek Online, but I’ll probably always have a soft spot for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time for the SNES.

I’m definitely happy to see Resurgence coming to Steam though, I don’t buy from anyone except for them and GOG.

stargazingpenguin ,

Good to hear! I’ve been watching your game for a while and just waiting until it arrived on Steam. Just wishlisted!

stargazingpenguin ,

Great news! I will admit to having too many Eaglemoss ships, but I’m hoping Fanhome makes some great looking ships too. It never hurts to have a few more!

stargazingpenguin ,

I’ve made it until the end of S2, and that’s taken me several years. I decide that it’s just not the show for me and stop watching, but every now and then I forget that and try another episode! Then the cycle repeats.

I do like some aspects of it, including the ship itself. I don’t like the rotating saucer though.

stargazingpenguin ,

Interesting to know! Of course, I have to give my ranking as well!

My personal top 5 list:

  1. How Would That Feel
  2. I’m the X
  3. Keeping Secrets
  4. We Are One
  5. I’m Ready

A lot of the rest are good too, I just don’t find myself listening to them as much!

stargazingpenguin ,

I definitely remember recognizing Frakes, Dorn, and de Lancie while playing through the War of the Chosen expansion for XCOM2. Also René Auberjonois on a few of the Uncharted games as well.

stargazingpenguin ,

Yes, it certainly was! For some reason I didn’t recognize their voices. It wasn’t until I looked up the voice cast list to check the three that I mentioned that I found they were on it too!

stargazingpenguin ,

Nothing on TOS either.

stargazingpenguin ,

I’m glad I’m here, you learn something new every day! The next thing you’ll be telling me is that he also gave Rodenberry the idea for the series, therefore guaranteeing himself a role for 7 years.

stargazingpenguin ,

That’ll be exciting! We’ll all have to put our heads together and give him a list of episodes to adjust a bit, and maybe we’ll have five or six seasons of TOS.

stargazingpenguin ,

Yup, an instant buy. Watching these episodes in 4k is great.

Star Trek executive producer wants more Strange New Worlds episodes, and I’m nervous ( )

Strange New Worlds has been my favorite Trek since Next Generation, and if the quality continues, could easily be my favorite Trek ever. But with the e.p. wishing for more episodes per season, there’s a danger of diluting the show by adding weak episodes that would have never made it in a 10 episode season....

stargazingpenguin ,

I would be very happy to see 15 episodes a year, I think their current cast is great. They’ve expanded the story of some of the characters in season 2, but I feel they could easily add a few more spotlight episodes a year.

stargazingpenguin ,

I tend to do the Spock eyebrow raise quite a bit without thinking about it, to the point that people I know will ask if it’s on purpose.

I also will use “fascinating” and I tend to insert logical or illogical into sentences.

Worf’s “It is not funny, but I get it” is something I throw in as well.

If I’m in “Star Trek Mode” I’ll use various Klingon phrases, along with the Vulcan salute as greeting. My wife and I will at times text in Klingon. There’s other stuff as well, but not as common!

stargazingpenguin ,

That’s great! I didn’t realize how common my eyebrow raise was until someone asked if I was copying Spock. My wife is still convinced I practice and do it on purpose though.

Which particular episode(s) of Star Trek do you find yourself going back to?

Just interested if there’s an episode of a particular series you find yourself going back to? Not necessarily “the best” or your favorite, just one you gravitate toward for a comfort re-watch? Here’s the episodes from each series I find myself re-watching a lot:...

stargazingpenguin ,

That’s a tough one! Off the top of my head, I’d say the following:

TOS: The Doomsday Machine

TNG: The Offspring

DS9: Duet - Probably my favorite episode of any ST series.

LD: First First Contact

SNW: Memento Mori - I’ve only seen S1, hoping to watch S2 soon.

I’ve not watched much of TAS, VOY, ENT and PRO, so I didn’t mark them down.

DIS: ??? - I’ve seen up to S3 so far, but no particular episode that really sticks out unfortunately. Probably something in S2.

PIC: ??? - I’ve only watched S1, unfortunately no favorites.

I’ve got a lot of favorites, but these are the ones I probably most enjoy. It can change depending on the day though! There’s been a lot of really good episodes through the years.

Star Trek 4 - Everything You Need To Know ( )

J.J. Abrams rebooted the “Star Trek” franchise in 2009, and since then, the three films in the new Kelvin timeline have been a smashing success. Altogether, the first “Trek” reboot, 2013’s “Star Trek Into Darkness,” and 2016’s “Star Trek Beyond” have grossed more than a billion dollars at the global box...

stargazingpenguin ,

I’ve thought about editing some of those into my copies of the episodes and then hopefully surprising myself the next time I watch them!

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