
@[email protected]

Yes siree, the excitement never stops!

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vexikron ,

Yes this is a wonderful idea when you live in a magical fantasy world where the vast majority of people do not have any ability to invest in any stocks whatsoever.

These idiots truly just actually think everyone is slightly different versions of themselves.

vexikron ,

Unfortunately as I am on mobile I cannot dm… but this may be an interesting discussion:

Is it any kind of possible to buy a kind of kit to essentially hybridize an existing bike into, if not a fully hybrid vehicle, at least something that would charge a battery system as you drive?

I realize the most likely answer to this is basically you would have to re-engineer the bike considerably, even if youre not trying to work an electric motor and hybrid drive system into the thing, there are likely a slew of problems.

That being said… maybe someone has attempted this?

Seems like hybrid motorcycles are just barely a thing that exists for purchase… but I have not been able to find any where on the internet detailing trying to hybridize an existing bike.

vexikron ,

Damn, thanks for the write up!

Wish I could add something useful to it, haha.

vexikron ,

Oh no need to apologize for ranting, this is exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for, thank you!

vexikron ,

I know, but dear god it is hard at times.

vexikron , (edited )

There are a couple things going on.

Usually in reports like this there are mentions of job growth (ie new recorded hiring) unemployment going down and average income levels rising.

Ok so yes, jobs are created, wonderful.

But lots of things arent recorded as job losses.

Generally speaking, if you dont file for unemployment, or dont qualify, but still lost a job, you dont show up without doing far, far more exhaustive research than these headline numbers illustrate.

And any prole has either had this happen to themselves or someone they know by this point, at least amongst people I know.

Or, if you are out of the workforce due to an injury, illness and/or esrly retirement, that usually doesnt show up as a job loss, but does show up as ‘not in the workforce’.

And, if youre not in the workforce, you are not considered unemployed, as you are not in the pool if possibly employable workers.

So, wonderful, that not in work force number is still high compared to historical norms, as a proportion of the whole population. Its going up.

Income. This one is easy.

Thats usually always a headline of average income.

Cool. Averages dont mean dick in an economy where the vast number of people earn little, and only a few earn a lot. So what did we learn in basic statstics hopefully?

5 5 5 5 5 has an average of 5

1 1 1 2 20 /also/ has an average of 5.

Further compounding things, Americans are now drowning in personal debt, so much so that even quite a lot of people who /appear/ to be well off actually have as much net worth as many who appear not well off.

The maths and data on that is /way/ more complicated, but the rough breakdown is:

1/4 of Americans have significantly negative net worth, ie -5000 or worse.

1/4 of Americans have roughly 0 net worth.

1/4 of Americans have roughly positive net worth, ie up to 10k.

Then the higher you go from there its an exponential scale of less and less people having more and more money.

Ending up with something like the richest 1% of Americans have more net worth / wealth than the bottom 60%.

The confusing part is that for incomes below basically about a quarter mil a year, there is again actually significsntly wide variance in the relationship of yearly income to net worth.

Many people of modest means are actually in financially better positions than many people who would basically be their boss, or bosses boss…

But can you imagine that the richer ones either hide this and lie about it, or act like its fine and not a problem for them, but it /is/ a problem for those of lower income, and /they/ are irresponsible and need personal austerity finances, while they (the higher incomed folks) dont?

So anyway, there ya go, theres /some/ explanation of whats going on from someone with a bachelors in econ, specialty in econometrics and environmental econ, and another bachelors in poli sci.

For me to actually lay all this out with proper cited studies and data sets would basically be a phd thesis, im tired, go away.

Basically the title of this thesis would be ‘How the American Economy Enforced And Solidified An Economic Caste System Structure Following the 08 Financial Crisis’ and would focus heavily on how income mobility has been extremely reduced for large segments of society in the past 15 years.

Hilariously I cant afford to pay for a PHD, so whats the fucking point rofl.


2 other major factors: Rent and Healthcare.

Both of those are absolute shit shows right now, and vaaaaastly take more proportional income from a poorer person than a richer one.

Remember when most people owned homes by their 30s?

Haha, yeah, good one, me neither.

EDIT 2: Alternative spicy title for the PHD Thesis would be:

“An aggregate, ends justify the means, moral argument for the justness and validity of,

at best,

letting all the baby boomers die scared and alone in old folks homes with poorly trained and paid staff who will abuse them until they die painful, terrifying, lonely deaths,

or, at worst,

why we should actually just start killing /enough/ of them that it scares the rest of them into selling their barely-not-foreclosed-on second homes they are renting out based not on actual market rates but on the prices dictated by their mortgage payments… why we should kill enough of them that they sell these properties for about 1/4 of what they think they are worth.”

Probably that one wouldnt fly. Probably.

vexikron ,

Currently homeless due to crime, longtime Star Trek fan here.

Yep. Mhm.

Waiting to be beamed out any time.

vexikron , (edited )

Uh… another victim of capitalism.

My former landlord, my former employer, various corrupt businesses and my own family managed to all commit a series of crimes against me in rapid succession, which made me poor and thus unable to afford a lawyer, and homeless, which made me lose all my evidence I would need to stand a chance of winning any court case, in addition to everything else I have ever owned.

I have nearly died about ten times now in the past year and a half.

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  • vexikron ,

    Look. Even if you take away all of the insane shit he says and appears to believe…

    The dude’s voice might be the most grating voice I have ever heard.

    I know its superficial, but he’s running for President of the United States of America, probably actually empirically verifiable as the most superficial voter base on the planet.

    vexikron ,

    Rolling out Hilary to replace Biden for 2024 as basically the SHOCK TWIST to the insano literally dumber than reality tv expanded political universe that is American Politics might actually be so absurd that it could collapse spacetime itself.

    She has the worst optics ever amongst everyone who is not basically a Nancy Pelosi type liberal.

    She ruined Bernie, so everyone to the left of basically Henry Kissinger and Madeline Albright despises her.

    Then the people who agree with Kissinger and Albright would lose their minds so fucking hard with QAnon nonsense that we could basically expect multiple daily domestic terrorism attacks from them.

    So she is a great candidate if you are an accelerationist I guess and just want to watch the world burn even faster.

    Can you imagine what would happen even if she won against a likely to be convicted felon Trump? The MAGA people would figure out how to top 9/11, do it, and then say that ANTIFA ChiCom Queers did it.

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