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Deleting my Reddit comments was a strange experience. ( )

It wasn't the fact that there was a limit to see 1000 comments but what they were. The vast majority of my 12 years on Reddit I spent talking about dungeon and dragons 5th edition (DnD 5e) which I started playing early in is lifestyle. It was my first role playing game and I got sucked into the Internet to learn more. Before my...

/r/NonCredibleDefense recieves automated notice from the admins to remove its NSFW designation, or else. Mods respond by messaging the admins a bunch of death and porn. ( )

Link to the NCD mod's post about the matter via teddit (aka, reddit doesn't get any value from your visit):

This July 4th, let's remember that unfair economic treatment was a major cause of the American Revolutionary War. Our revolt has this much in common. ( )

There were numerous factors that led to the revolution, but a key one was unfair taxation. The British parliament was in a position of power and thought that they could behave with impunity for further profits....

With all the migration caused by the downfall of reddit/twitter i feel this Essay brings a nice insight to the table, long but worthy read. ( )

the feeling of dredd i’ve had (and i bet many are with me) since reddit announced the changes to the API and elon bought twitter, has been perfectly represented in this essay. Once again we migrate from a place where we built a community, because a bunch of greedy assholes can’t fathom a world where people embrace human...

I hate the reddit mod queue, worst invention ever! are they a thing here? ( )

my killer post in modcoord, called How come r/fuckreddit is allowed to stay private while everyone else has to reopen, do the rules not apply to everyone?, is currently dying in the god damn mod queue where nobody can see it and I don't think they'll ever unlock it, because they never do....

For those in the know about privacy laws and the such. What is a proper response to reddit's claim that they cannot remove all the information associated to an account without first the user removing all of their posts? ( )

As the title says, Reddit replied to my GDPR request to delete all my data saying I had to do it first, which I suspect is in violation of GDPR law....

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