@density@kbin.social cover

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density OP ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

Is there a name for that phenomena? It used to happen to me with reddit.

Especially disappointing for longstanding problems that I would walk away from and return to at a later date. I would of course initiate a renewed effort with a websearch containing key words. I guess in a sufficiently idiosyncratic/unique way that I would find my own thread, but not recognize it. Momentarily get excited like "this person has the precise same problem as I do!" hoping there would be a solution in the thread. Only to realize that the whole thing was a little too framiliar and it was myself, last year, struggling with the same problem having made zero progress.

Do you think that's why you found your own writing? Like if I am trying to research the present question and I do a search with keywords like fediverse repository knowledge lemmy kbin URL search reddit I could imagine finding this because it is an unusual combination of words. But if I were to use totally different phrasing I doubt I would get here.

density OP ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

Thanks for sharing! Looks like a lot of agreement and no opposition. Just a matter of getting it done. Hopefully someone who has the skill and time will get it on their TODO list someday.

density OP ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

Still working on making on-topic responses I see. :) you'll get there eventually. just give it a few more moments.

density OP ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

I cant follow the convo to tell if this is the actual state of things or just something thst was being discussed but:

16 Maintainers MAY merge incorrect patches from other Contributors with the goals of (a) ending fruitless discussions, (b) capturing toxic patches in the historical record, (c) engaging with the Contributor on improving their patch quality.

What an idea.

density OP ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

seems like you are saying ernest put thru an intentionally malicious PR to see what would happen? And what happened was exactly what is described? I mean, ya, thats what people will do.

density OP ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

@melroy I don't think you can really be upset about anyone putting through bad code. According to the philosophy as I understand it, bad code (intentionally so or otherwise) is a useful contribution and you are basically soliciting it. You supposedly have some way other than code review to ensure nothing harmful gets through and it has to do with the reputation of the contributor. Since you already knew @ernest and clearly have a bad opinion of him, how did it happen?

I did not and could not review the PRs themselves. So I am just going on the information as presented here. Sounds like @ernest put through some code (either into kbin or mbin not clear on that) which he knew was not 100% highest quality but which error was not critical or devastating. And that it could easily be found and fixed. Partially he did this to learn more about this governance model. A model which has apparently been developed in direct opposition to his own. Is it approximately accurate?

If so, sounds a bit mischievous at the worst.

I really can't recommend Tyranny of Structurelessness highly enough.

density OP ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

they don't use github issues?

density OP ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

Can't make a magazine? https://kbin.run/newMagazine

density OP ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

How do you know the future?

If you are correct, it is very strange. Why would people who are so passionate about creating a social media platform refuse to use it?

density OP ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

here we all are talking about it on [email protected] which certainly isn't Official Fediverse comm.

density OP ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

@fr0g I am in substantial agreement with you after reading all this back n forth.

density OP ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

Your community members ("I do love Mbin") are expressing that they are unhappy with the mediums available for discussion and feel excluded. What is done about it?

density OP ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

OP here. I was intending for this thread to be about the mbin fork and its governance, not about kbin. But I guess I kinda got answers to my questions (in so much as they exist) and then some.

I have no particular relationship/loyalty to ernest or to kbin. Like a lot of people, I just got here. I may or may not stick around.

I myself am a person who tends to become intensely excited by new projects. I can come in with lots of ideas and energy feeling like I will be comitted for a long time. But can then loose interest just as quickly. (It's taken a lot of times around the block to learn that.) So I understand why a maintainer of an open source project would have reticence to bring me, or someone like me, into their project in a position of authority without enough time (months -> years) to prove the comitment and to demonstrate competance. In fact I would regard it as poor judgement to just accept a ton of input like that. Just accepting whoever is offering energy can really lead to a lot of problems. I've been on both sides of those problems!

I started this thread to ask questions about mbin because I'd never seen an open source projects described like this. The mbin folks came in not really to provide answers to those questions, but to make insults on how they perceive ernest's personality and moral charecteristics. These based on vague but petty sounding grievances. None of these posts do much to reccomend the project to me. Sounds like waa waa waa babies. If the main grievance is they weren't allowed authority on kbin main, then I agree with that judgment based on the posts here.

Hopefully everyone simmers down. Maybe mbin can define itself in a less reactionary way in the weeks and months to come.

@radek @cacheson @TheVillageGuy @BaldProphet @melroy @ernest

density OP ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

@melroy great!


density ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

I would read sidebars most of the time but sometimes I didn't understand the way the mods intended the rules to be understood. For example I posted a link to an on-topic podcast or blog post. But it gets taken down for being "self promotion" even though there is no reason to believe (or even allegation) that I had anything to do with the production. But since the mods have no way of telling apart sock puppets from legitimate third parties, they have banned all blogs and podcasts to be fair. Silly me I thought "self promotion" meant you were "promoting" your "self". But actually they just don't accept blogs, podcasts, youtubes etc.

Other times there are banned domains. Like one time I made a self post in a tech forum that mentioned an item on aliexpress. But aliexpress is banned because there was so much spam. Another time I linked to an image from pinterest in a hobby sub. Both taken down by automod.

Eventually you learn stuff like this although it requires a mod to take the time to tell you. It's annoying how the posts are silently hidden without notification or explanation. I got in the habit of checking posts with no/low comments in incognito. That's how you learn it was taken down but you then have to message the mods to learn why.

density ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

Need more info about the running environment.

How do you update software? Package manager?

density ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

as far as I am aware there is no work around to avoid community guidelines or whatever by using "/s" on lemmy. some of the instances have strong moderation so don't expect you can just do whatever you want and be welcomed everywhere.

density ,
@density@kbin.social avatar

the impression I got from that documentary about him was that he was quite ambivalent about reddit and had nothing to do with starting it. he was declared co founder in some symbolic way after the fact. IIRC his arm was twisted in some business deal and he didn't take any satisfaction from it. he immediately set about actively doing everything he could think of to make himself annoying in the hopes of being released from the obligation.

Is this wrong? If I am on the right track, I think it's kind of shitty to use the memory of a dead person who really did some good things to make a point about how scuzzy reddit is. Which we are all quite aware of. Reddit sucks case closed. IMHO it would be worse if they put his picture on every page and talked about him all the time. Reddit should keep his out of its mouth.

Aaron Schwartz did a bunch of cool things and reddit wasn't one of them. He helped develop RSS which unlike reddit we all still love when he was like 14. He made a browser extension to automatically share public domain legal documents the state was hoarding for money. And he set up a laptop in a closet at MIT to download all of JSTOR one article at a time because that shit belongs to all humanity. Among other things. Please have some respect for this person and stop belittling him in this way.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • density ,
    @density@kbin.social avatar

    I think journalists must all be worried about looking like they "know too much" about drug stuff because even the shortest article contains basic errors. The lowest hanging fruit:

    The DEA said the counterfeit pills — made to look like real opioid medications such as oxycodone, Percocet or Adderall

    • Adderall is not an opioid
    • Fentanyl is an opioid. If something has fentanyl, it isn't "fake opioids". It is opioids!

    a knockoff version of the stimulant Adderall

    got there eventually

    FBI Seizure of Mastodon Server is a Wakeup Call to Fediverse Users and Hosts to Protect their Users ( www.eff.org )

    We’re in an exciting time for users who want to take back control from major platforms like Twitter and Facebook. However, this new environment comes with challenges and risks for user privacy, so we need to get it right and make sure networks like the Fediverse and Bluesky are mindful of past...

    density ,
    @density@kbin.social avatar

    do your reviews reliably show up for other apps?

    density ,
    @density@kbin.social avatar

    hm maybe not enough data to draw conclusions

    Hateforking alreading happening for Fireffish ( bungle.online )

    "i'm not having another plush.city moment so here's the fucking screenshots, read for yourself the outright hostility and bad faithb no alt text sorry i do not have the time, some other kind soul can do it or i'll do it at a later date (📎5) RE: holy shit contributors to iceshrimp are definitively hostile to firefish i had a...

    density OP ,
    @density@kbin.social avatar

    that would certainly make it nicer! I do not know about the limits of randomness. As long as it would be enough to avoid all the instances that will ever exist accidentally bumping into each other's content.

    We already have the IDs you mention in the URLs though, right? In the post I used as the example, the author's home instance URL for the item is https://lebowski.social/post/12337

    • <locally-unique-number> = 12337
    • <originating-intance-domain> = lebowski.social

    To make things really simple (at least for the end user), instead of having a UUID, you just have a way that can be easily learned to transform the URL by copy/paste by hand, and would also lend itself to programmatic manipulation:

    check out [this post](/local/lebowski.social/post/12337)

    I still am thinking there must be some reason why this isn't done because it seems very obvious. Either it is more difficult to implement across federation than I am guessing, or there are use cases I am not considering.

    Anybody remember Usenet? ( kbin.social )

    So I've finally been doing my little reddit/twitter migration against my better judgement (my better judgement would say to take the opportunity to get off the internet but who listens to that loser). I'm finding all these platforms interesting, I particularly like how kbin combines both formats and links up to Mastodon, that's...

    density ,
    @density@kbin.social avatar

    Is that legit @JoeHill? I thought you were dead.

    density ,
    @density@kbin.social avatar

    Usually when you see an uncomfortable bench it is made like that so people dont sleep on it. What could be worse than someone sleeping on a bench. Its called hostil design or something.

    density ,
    @density@kbin.social avatar

    Warning: if you subscribe to the cat one, your whole feed will be cats cats cats.

    density ,
    @density@kbin.social avatar

    Well there are 49 subscribed people on patreon totaling $170/month. Lots of people probably already have accounts set up which makes it a very low threshold to join.

    Meanwhile on librepay, arguably more philosophically suitable, there are 11 subscribers totaling $13/month.

    Man, considering how many people I have seen saying how great it is to be able to pay, and asserting they are making donations, those are very low numbers.

    density ,
    @density@kbin.social avatar

    how is paying people going to "keep them profit oriented til profits arrive"?

    how could they even have the cashflow to support that? money isn't free anymore

    density ,
    @density@kbin.social avatar

    I don't know if anyone here has anything as constructive as what they should have done, having reached this point in history. If I was suddenly dropped into spez's body, I do not have a clue what I would do other than completely back track the past 2 months and eat a literal hat with a fork and knife. Don't know if even that would work.

    density ,
    @density@kbin.social avatar

    Containers has this weird problem where it's impossible to delete them once you FF sync them.... you will always get new copies of very old containers over and over again. It's a giant mess. So I got discouraged from using them. Every year or 2 I have another look to see if anyone has solved the problem without having to make a new FF sync account which I don't want to do. Maybe I will have another look at the state of things because I have been wishing to have this ability recently with the threadiverse. Just warning you: do not sync the containers! You will regret it.

    Mobile is sort of easier because you can repeatedly "install" the PWAs and they seem to have separate sessions. It's not as slick as using one of the reddit clients that allowed changing identities on a per-comment basis but also not bad. I guess they are using some sort of containers implementation which is hidden from the user. If I would get around to jumping through the hoops to install addons on FF mobile, I wonder if your addon would work and if the configurations would also be uniquely stored in the PWA sessions. I've hardly used addon in mobile. If it did function that way, it'd be like >60% of the way to a kbin client. Which doesn't otherwise exist AFAIK, but I could have missed something. And a lemmy client of course.

    If it was possible to direct a "share" in android to a specific PWA it might be a close enough to switching per-comment. You could share the location to the other PWA and pick it up from there. But that sounds like something that wouldn't be allowed. If it would even be theoretically possible. About which I have no idea.

    What is Connect? I have KDE Connect and there is something called Mozilla Connect but I guess you are referring to something different.

    A distro and desktop environment recommendation for an old laptop (Read all of it, please.) ( kbin.social )

    'sup? So, I am a beginner that has an old Samsung laptop from 2013 with an i3 4005U, a GeForce 710M, 500GB HDD (I will probably upgrade it to an SSD, but not for now.), 4GB 1600 MHz DDR3L RAM (the same for the HDD, will probably upgrade to 8GB some time.). It currently has Windows 10 Home but Linux is probably lighter (right?)...

    density ,
    @density@kbin.social avatar

    OP says

    I am a beginner

    and doesn't mention that they are a C programmer or anything. It is extremely unlikely that OP

    can customize the entire things by modifying the source code

    because it is extremely unlikely they would have any idea as to how to do such a thing. How many people, on earth, in total, can set up, run, and edit the source file of a tiling window manager? Now remove from that value those who are existing linux users. Functionally 0%.

    This person wants to start using linux, is asking very simple questions. They are asking here which suggests they do not have a deep and rich existing network of people in their life to provide 1-on-1 support. Otherwise they'd ask one of their many sysadmin friends for individualized advice. You are suggesting to them something which takes a pretty wide diversity of skills and knowledge. And since the specific thing you are suggesting is a window manager, when they can't figure out how to use it, they will be unable to use their computer.

    I wouldn't advise a beginner start with vim on day 1, but at least if they did they'd still be able to use the computer for things other than text editing. And find a different text editor while they learned vim.

    This is stunningly bad advice, verging on sabotage. Why do you want people to hate linux?

    density ,
    @density@kbin.social avatar

    Go with XFCE, it is perfect to start from. You will get a feeling for linux in a fairly intuitive environment. Then you can easily move on to other stuff if you want to. You can install multiple DEs/WMs and choose which one you want from the log in screen. You can install as many as you have disk space for.

    One thing to know about the concept of "customization" in linux. It is on a whole other level than you may be thinking of. On linux when people say something is customizable, especially when you start reading phrases like "infinitely customizable" what it might means is that you must configure it to even open it. And to do that you will first have to spend a bunch of time learning about the application's conventions, history, weirdsies, development environment, etc. You may also have to understand and be able to manipulate the underlying system architecture.

    It's fun to do once you reach the basic required skills, if you are interested in that kind of thing. but you can only learn so many things at a time, so set yourself up for success by starting easy. You can move on to a more complex situation at any time you are ready for it. Like imagine learning to drive in a place you've never been with totally different traffic laws than you are used to, and also it's on the moon so gravity don't work as expected. Better learn to drive in an empty parking lot close to where you live.

    First thing is make sure linux will run at all on your computer. You can install it, boot it, shut it down, connect to the internet, play audio, make a backup, un/install applications, and other simple tasks. Just go path of least resistance. Don't try to find the perfect set up. Just try something out.

    • SSD ASAP
    • Make a separate /home/ partition when you install --- this will keep your actual files (documents, user configurations) safe(r) from screw-ups
    • Find a way to make regular backups of your user and system configuration files, keeping past versions in case you screw something up but don't realize it right away

    Fediverse dating app? ( kbin.social )

    This is just a thought I had that I wanted to bounce off people who know more about ActivityPub/the fediverse— would it be feasible (and would it make sense) to build an open-source, ActivityPub-compatible dating app as an alternative to Tinder/Bumble/etc.? And if so, what could that look like? Obviously the small userbase...

    density ,
    @density@kbin.social avatar

    How would you manage stalking, harassment, impersonation, assault and various other kinds of violence? This is not a place for laissez-faire management.

    You need to consider the social side prior to the technical side.

    If you are in the US, how are you going to manage compliance with FOSTA SESTA? or your local equivalent?

    If you could figure that out, pick some sort of small market in which to establish it, such as a certain subculture in a limited geographic area. That's how things used to get released and it is much more amenable to success. Do you remember when facebook or craigslist "opened" in your location? It's better to have 100 people on a dating site that are in physical proximity than 1000 people who are remote from each other. Even better if those 100 people share some sort of affinity. If you are thinking of a hetro(/bi/pan) site you are going to need something that lots of women are interested in, so federated social networks can't be it.

    density ,
    @density@kbin.social avatar

    @audrbox I am interested to know if you have any thoughts on the questions I raised.

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