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megane_kun , avatar

It might take a while before anything gets outputted. I think it might also be good if you try the –dry-run option first just so that you’d know what to expect.

Here’s a sample output from one of my runs. It’s already been scoured clean, so there’s nothing to do.

sample shreddit output for an account with no posts and comments

I usually just run it through a bash script with the relevant line being:

<pre style="background-color:#ffffff;">
<span style="color:#323232;">./shreddit-linux -u ${uname} -p ${pword} $dryrun > "logs/${uname}_${tsstr}.log"

Where ${uname} and ${pword} are my username and password respectively, and $dryrun is either –dryrun or the empty string.

The output is then saved to a log file with the name pattern username_timestamp.

Also, I noticed that you’re using the gpdr-export option. I think there’s some wonkiness regarding that? I am not sure though. I still recommend using the –dryrun option first just to see what’s up (without actually doing any changes to your account.


I forgot to clarify, shreddit-linux is what I named the executable file I got from the repository.

ImaginaryFox OP ,

I tried the dry run but didn't get anything back after running command. I must just have to go the tedious route of deleting comments manually over the year from time to time.

megane_kun , avatar

Before you give up on it, you might want to check on your shreddit.env file. The command line parameters override the stuff in there, but it might be a good idea to check anyways.

Best of luck!

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