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xpinchx ,

Oh no, anyway what’s your guy’s favorite cereal? Mine cinnamon toast crunch.

Trundle ,

Honestly, it’s Raisin Bran these days.

DontMakeMoreBabies ,

Raisin Brain Crunch is legit.

Pandantic , avatar

This is it, and the great thing is the Aldi brand is like $2 and tastes just as good.

Xathonn , avatar

Raisin Bran crunch is so good.

NumbersCanBeFun , avatar

Rains Bran is the only one I still buy sometimes. I prefer to cook my breakfast but it’s great for when I’m stoned in the middle of the night and want something to snack on.

Trundle ,

My brethren! Cereal is among my most favorite of highnight snacks!

greatwhitebuffalo41 , avatar

I’m a kid at heart, give me the damn lucky charms

lavaplanet ,

You can buy just the marshmallows online if you want to live the kid dream

akai , avatar

Makes your bowl of All Bran more fun!

Bipta ,

I thought All Bran was a joke and I went to look up which show I'd seen make that joke, just to find it's a real Kellogg's product.

greatwhitebuffalo41 , avatar

I don’t wanna vomit because too much sugar upsets my adult stomach but, this is very tempting

originalucifer , avatar

ive made super lucky charms. 80% marshmallows seems to be the sweet spot.

Bertha , avatar

Captain Crunch Crunchberries!

tucknology ,

Quaker Oatmeal Squares are pretty good

somniumx ,

what’s your guy’s favorite cereal?


starlinguk , avatar

Good start of the day, beans. I'm more of a cheese sandwich person myself, though.

drdiemz , avatar

Honey Bunches of Oats, hands down

Funkmaster-Hex ,

It's all about those frosted mini wheats.

Downcount ,

I’m a simple guy. Just give me normal Cornflakes, add some sugar and milk and I’m in breakfast heaven.

obi_one ,

It’s been a long time since I’ve had cornflakes, now I want some.

survivorseason44 ,

Honestly I don’t know anymore. It used to be Cookie Crisp but now that I’m older I’m realizing it’s kinda mid. But idk what would replace Cookie Crisp in my life. I like Krave but it feels more like candy/snacks than food to me. I say I like Lucky Charms but what that really means is that I like the marshmallows, not the cereal itself. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is solid though, so maybe that.

blanketswithsmallpox , avatar

S'mores. Easily the best cereal these days.

norbert , avatar

If I could only pick one, probably cornpops. I have some s'mores cereal right now. It's basically just a mix of Golden Grahams, Cocopuffs, and Marshmallows, its great and is a strong contender.

Angelus1727 , avatar

Not a fan of sweet cereal. I eat a lot of weetabix.

livus , avatar

Even that stuff is too sugary for me (Weetbix in NZ) so I just make my own cereal with blackjack and hookers whole oats , pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia etc. It's really good!

Pankakke ,

I kind of bounce between Cocoa Pebbles and Cookie Crisp as my favorite.

buddhabound ,

I’ve really been enjoying life cereal lately. A good crunch without going overboard, and a little bit of sweet to it. You have to eat 2 smaller bowls, though, or else it’ll be mush by the time you finish.

atocci , avatar

I do love a good bowl of cinnamon toast crunch.

Pandantic , avatar

I don’t eat cereal that much these days, but I love the Golden Grams type cereal, whatever brand. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is solid second choice, tho. These days tho, I go with the more adult cereal… being a healthy adult is kinda lame sometimes.

AtomicPurple , avatar

Probably either Rice Krispies or Corn Flakes

momoo ,

Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cookie Crisps and the OG Trix that were shaped like the fruit

xpinchx ,

Oh shit I forgot about Trix

okfuskee , avatar

1st choice is Lucky Charms

2nd choice is Count Chocula

Those adult cereal options can kiss my pre diabetic ass!

Shivs , avatar

I love Lucky Charms but unfortunately, they're not sold where I live. The sugar content is probably above the official EU limit for cereals or something :(

CatZoomies , avatar

Definitely delicious, I love that cereal. I also started getting into Cinnamon Cheerios Crunch or whatever it’s called. really tasty. I guess I just love cinnamon.

You know what else I love? Decentralization.

Jorgelino328 ,

I don't get milk and cereal. Both milk and cereal taste better before they're mixed, together they just taste like wet paper.

Burrbromb , avatar

Definitely peanut butter crunch, can't eat it too much anymore due to how much sugar is in it but damn do I've it.

Cyv_ , avatar

I like Reeses Puffs even though its like eating candy for breakfast. Terrible for you but so weirdly good >.<

DarthYoshiBoy , avatar

Rice Krispies

I don't know why, but whenever my blood sugar is low (I'm a t1 diabetic) I crave Rice Krispies so much. It's now my favorite cereal even when I'm not low.

acronymesis , avatar

Every once in a while I catch that off-brand Fruity Pebbles (Fruity Dino-Bites!) with marshmallows in it. Just blend that shit up and shoot it directly into my fucking veins please.

coolmultitool , avatar

Weetabix, that soggy cardboard taste in your mouth in the morning isn't there to enjoy, it's to make you feel like you're doing something good and healthy for your body. No more than 2!

Countmacula , avatar

@xpinchx Fruit loops but I’m told I’m crazy


ColonelSanders ,

It's weird to think about but for some reason that's my favorite go-to exclamation when I'm genuinely shocked at something.

"What in the Cinnamon Toast Crunch is that?!"

Peacemeal12 , avatar

I don't eat cereal anymore, or when I do it's the non-sugary healthy kind. But among all of them it's really difficult, but I think I like Captn Crunch with berries. But it really depends on what I would be craving for I!

Eggyhead , avatar

I’m just a good old fashioned corn flakes kind of guy… with a dab of honey.

colonial , avatar

Frosted Mini-Wheats. They taste decent (I hate straight cornflakes, regular Cheerios, etc) without being completely awful for you like Lucky Charms.

HunnyBadger , avatar

Golden grahams.

okbin , avatar

cinnamon toast crunch

not since the shrimp incident…

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