
Google search will only show one npage of results ( ) Spanish

I have a major issue with Google search on my PC. Google search results are only showing me the first page and won't scroll or offer me the Goooooogle page selector. I have tried turning off and on continuous scrolling in settings and nothing changes - I don't see the page selector. If I sign out, I get the page selector and...

Can I get firefox to act as two separate browsers? ( )

Say I have a window of mostly music that I want to open with shortcut a, and a window of work stuff that I want to open with shortcut b. Is there anything I can do to get firefox shortcuts to remember the windows separately? I don't want to use chrome or a different browser as the second window, but that would work for...

‘Privacy Nightmare on Wheels’: Every Car Brand Reviewed By Mozilla — Including Ford, Volkswagen and Toyota — Flunks Privacy Test ( )

Mozilla’s latest edition of *Privacy Not Included reveals how 25 major car brands collect and share deeply personal data, including sexual activity, facial expressions, and genetic and health information.

If you exclusively use vertical tabs (either with CSS or another way), how is it? Did you miss horizontal tabs at all?

I’m trying to switch to Floorp right now from Firefox, where I have both the regular horizontal tabs, and a flat vertical list with the Tree Style Tab extension. I use the later a lot, and while I could keep this setup in Floorp, I like that the vertical tabs can be native instead of using TST. However, it just feels weird to...

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