
"We are moving away from native widgets, and the ability to disable non-native widgets will be removed as well" What are your thoughts on this? ( )

I really don’t like the psuedo-native look of the element dropdown menu on macOS, and I thought Firefox was trying to embrace native widgets when they added support for macOS right click context menus a few years ago. That issue was open for 20+ years! This sucks....

Firefox for android doesn't connect to cloudflare dns using the DoH protocol

I’ve configured my android phone to connect to cloudflare dns using the server. When I go to in Firefox for android, the page shows that it cannot use the DoH protocol, but Dot works. That wouldn’t be too much of a problem but, since Firefox has rolled out ECH and it requires DoH, Firefox won’t...

Say (an encrypted) hello to a more private internet. ( )

As web users, what we say and do online is subject to pervasive surveillance. Although we typically associate online tracking with ad networks and other third-party sites, our online communications travel across commercial telecommunication networks, allowing these privileged entities to siphon the names of the websites we visit...

Can browser choice screens be effective? ( )

Browser choice screens are back on the menu. Most notably, the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) will require them from 2024. But lawmakers and regulators in many other jurisdictions have also been looking at choice screens alongside other interventions to address deep-seated competition issues in browsers and browser engines...

Google search will only show one npage of results ( ) Spanish

I have a major issue with Google search on my PC. Google search results are only showing me the first page and won't scroll or offer me the Goooooogle page selector. I have tried turning off and on continuous scrolling in settings and nothing changes - I don't see the page selector. If I sign out, I get the page selector and...

‘Privacy Nightmare on Wheels’: Every Car Brand Reviewed By Mozilla — Including Ford, Volkswagen and Toyota — Flunks Privacy Test ( )

Mozilla’s latest edition of *Privacy Not Included reveals how 25 major car brands collect and share deeply personal data, including sexual activity, facial expressions, and genetic and health information.

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