
How to make Firefox trust a self-signed certificate? ( )

I'm a web developer working on an app running in Docker on my MacBook. Chrome, Edge and Safari trust the self-signed certificate that has been imported into the Mac's root certificate store and have no security issues, but when I try and access the web app, I'm hit with "Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead" and the error code...

How Do I Launch Firefox with Specific Pages but Prevent Said Pages from Loading in Subsequent Windows?

So, it’s “migrate to Firefox because Google is doing more evil things to the web” day. Because of my need to remain constantly connected to my email, I configured Google Chrome to launch several pages at start up: my personal email, calendar, and drive, my university email, calendar, and drive, Facebook Messenger, and...

Why do I always have an infinite loop for CloudFlare "Checking if the site connection is secure" verification when I don't have the page open in a container? ( )

Edit: I figured it out. It was caused by the User-Agent Switcher and Manager addon, I use it to switch user agents on one site. I switched it to whitelist mode in the settings and now it works....

How well has Tab Session Manager worked for you? I really need an alternative to it, What are good alternatives? ( )

Personally, while I’ve been using Tab Session Manager for years, I’ve had lots of issues with it. There have been a few times where all my sessions would be completely wiped after restarting Firefox or having it crash, which is why I have the backup folder setting enabled. Very occasionally within the past few years, but...

Firefox crashed after long inactivity ( ) Spanish

Hello, I have a new pc and installed w10 from 0 with all the programs that I have always used; the problem is that firefox has crashed after a long inactivity, the same thing happened on my previous pc i thought it was because i had mistakenly deleted the information from the roaming folder, but not because the event was...

Add code to your site to prompt browsers using "Web Environment Integrity", to use Firefox instead ( )

Since it seems #Google has decided to uni-laterally force through their new anti-#adblock #DRM euphemistically named "Web environment integrity", I decided to add a little bit of code to my website that blanks out the page and displays a protest message with a link to the firefox download page when you visit it from a browser...

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