
Looking for a plugin/addon/theme/config recommendation for a friend who is migrating from Chrome and prefers the tab UI from there, specifically when there are way too many tabs open. ( )

Specifically, when you open a reasonable number of tabs in any browser, the tabs look like this. However, as my friend has just imported all of his tabs and bookmarks over from Chrome to Firefox, he has an immense number of tabs open right now; in Chrome, he can see all the tabs at once with its UI. On Firefox, however, it keeps...

May and June were good months for Firefox's Speedometer performance compared to Chrome. ( )

May and June were good months for Firefox's Speedometer performance compared to Chrome. We're closing in while Chrome seems fairly static. In this visualization, lower in the graph is better. From

A graph showing the Speedometer benchmark comparing Firefox, Chromium and Chrome. In the graph, lower is better. The top of the graph shows Chromium at around the 120 mark, with a slight change for the worse towards the end of June. The middle of the graph shows Firefox, rapidly closing in on Chrome, moving from ~150 to ~165. The bottom fo the graph shows Chrome fairly steady between ~165 and ~170.

Signing in to Pocket just got even more secure ( )

Starting July 11, 2023, Pocket users will be prompted to transition to a Firefox account in order to log in and access their Pocket account. Aside from changing how you log in to Pocket, this does not affect your saved items. While optional at first, the transition to a Firefox account in order to log in will be required by...

Google search will only show one npage of results ( ) Spanish

I have a major issue with Google search on my PC. Google search results are only showing me the first page and won't scroll or offer me the Goooooogle page selector. I have tried turning off and on continuous scrolling in settings and nothing changes - I don't see the page selector. If I sign out, I get the page selector and...

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