d3Xt3r ,

I'm not moving any goalposts. You're the one arguing about the semantics around "Plasma", and I keep saying that's irrelevant.

Refer back to my original comment which was, and I quote:

So, are there any plans to reduce the bloat in KDE, maybe even make a lightweight version (like LXQt) that’s suitable for older PCs with limited resources?

To clarify, here I was:

  • Referring to KDE + default apps that are part of a typical KDE installation
  • Stating that a typical KDE installation is bloated compared to a typical lightweight DE like LXQt
  • Saying with the intention that the "bloat" is RELATIVE, with respect to a older PC with limited resources

The ENTIRE point of my argument was the KDE isn't really ideal RELATIVELY, for older PCs with limited resources, and I'm using LXQt here are a reference.

In a subsequent test, here's a direct apples-to-apples(ish) component comparison:

Component Process_KDE RAM_KDE Process_LXQt RAM_LXQt
WM kwin_x11 99 openbox 18
Terminal konsole 76 qterminal 75
File Manager Dolphin 135 pcmanfm-qt 80
File Archiver ark 122 Lxqt-archiver 73
Text Editor kwrite 121 featherpad 73
Image Viewer gwenview 129 lximage-qt 76
Document Viewer okular 128 qpdfview-qt6 51
Total 810 446

plasmashell was sitting at 250MB btw in this instance btw.

The numbers speak for themselves - no one in their right minds would consider KDE (or plasmashell, since you want to be pedantic) to be "light", in RELATION to an older PC with limited resources - which btw, was the premise of my entire argument. Of course KDE or plasmashell might be considered "light" on a modern system, but not an old PC with 2GB RAM. Whether something is considered light or bloated is always relative, and in this instance, it's obvious to anyone that KDE/plasmashell isn't "light".

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