
RickRussell_CA , in Ancient historical fiction?

Virgil’s Aenead was overtly fictionalized; it was basically an alternate history version of Homer’s work, that inserted Roman characters and themes to recast the story as foundational to the Roman republic.

nlm , in Ancient historical fiction? avatar

The Tale of Sinuhe is an ancient Egyptian story about 4000 years old so that might fit the bill? :)

I haven’t read it myself yet though I’ve got it laying around here somewhere.…/71855.The_Tale_of_Sinuhe_And_Othe…

davefischer , avatar

It’s certainly interesting! Definitely a glimpse into a very distant culture.


nlm , avatar

It might just have to reclaim it’s spot on my night stand again soon. :)

davefischer , in What are some good, 'easy reads'? avatar

Oz or Moomins. Two great series.

(Especially after any language studies reading, which is stressful.)

NoraReed , in What are some good, 'easy reads'? avatar

I go to YA when I don’t want to be challenged. I love The Old Kingdom by Garth Nix in particular.

omarciddo , in What are some good, 'easy reads'?

Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach is a favorite shorter read of mine.

ag_roberston_author , in What are some good, 'easy reads'? avatar

Progression fantasy such as Will Wright’s Cradle series.

nlm , in What are some good, 'easy reads'? avatar

I had written a reply but the site went down and ate it!

I read almost exclusive sci fi but when I feel like something else I really enjoy something like Steve Berry’s Cotton Malone books or Dan Brown’s Langdon books.

I love getting sweeped away in modern day indiana jones like stories about secret societies, myths and historical facts intertwined with fiction.

Extra credit to Berry for always ending his books by telling you what was real and what he embellished.

Nanokindled , in What are some good, 'easy reads'? avatar

Agatha Christie is queen of fun, quick reads. Terry Pratchett is also perfect.

TheBaldness , (edited ) in What are some good, 'easy reads'?

I’m reading “Fred The Vampire Accountant” series right now, and it’s fabulous. You’re not going to expand your horizons and intellect with these, but they’re very fun to read. Almost always a happy ending, and the group of characters is always growing. It’s like a Hardy Boys & Nancy Drew for adults, but the main character is a vampire.

SevenSwell , in What are some good, 'easy reads'? avatar

The Lies of Locke Lamora is such an easy read, it’s impossible to pick up without getting engrossed.

funnyletter , in What are some good, 'easy reads'?

This makes me sound like a total wanker but I reread my favorite Charles Dickens and Jane Austen. I find them both very comforting because generally nice people end up happy in the end.

wildeaboutoskar OP , avatar

Definitely with you there on Jane Austen. I like that ultimately everyone gets married and is happy (even if that’s not my idea of a happy ending necessarily)

AlexRogansBeta , in What are some good, 'easy reads'?

The Last Unicorn by Beagle is word candy. Absolutely beautiful prose and imagery. But it is also a quick read, perfect for two days. Can't go wrong.

IrritableOcelot , in What are some good, 'easy reads'?

I’m all in on Terry Pratchett or Hitchhiker’s Guide when I need a break. Pratchett especially is just good high fantasy and some humor mixed in.

lagomorphlecture , in What are some good, 'easy reads'?

Trashy romance novels, particularly fantasy or occult (I normally read sci Fi and fantasy so this is the “I want to read but I can’t focus” side of that). Are they well written? Uh, no. Are they entertaining and easy? Yep.

FirstCircle , in What are some good, 'easy reads'?

Comfort maybe, def not junk:

Your local library probably has a subscription to the first, maybe even to the $econd. Granta’s a quarterly and I can’t say I’ve ever seen it in a library but its been around a long time and back issues are readily available @used bookstores.

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