Radiant_sir_radiant , (edited )

Not sure if it tickles your fancy, but if you’re in the mood for a humorous space adventure with an elaborate story and serious undertones, give Ben Yahtzee Croshaw’s Will Save The Galaxy For Food a try.

Also, I haven’t seen Adrift and the Outer Earth Trilogy by Rob Boffard being mentioned here. Especially the former managed to instill a sense of dread in me while the story unfolded. The latter is a rather long read, though the first book (Tracer) is self-contained.

ETA: a somewhat different style, but if you like futuristic worlds / galaxies with tons of intricate details, try The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers. Her world (universe, in fact) is incredibly rich in detail and diversity. Each alien race she introduces has its own complex backstory, values, language and culture.
The other books in the series didn’t grip me like this one - they add a lot of background, and in that she’s a genius, but for my taste the story was somewhat lacking.

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