Dienervent OP , (edited )

Why is it that practically everyone I interact with on kbin is basically an irony machine. Are you at least self aware of the irony. Or is it just something you do instinctively?

One of my points is that all of these things are things that SHOULD bother you but men tend to downplay or refuse to let it bother them out of some sort of bravado.

So saying that this doesn't bother you makes it seem to me like you didn't understand what I said or didn't make it clear enough.

If you disagree with my point that this is something that should bother you, then please explain why.

Because if you're not going to be constructively contributing to the conversation then why are you even saying anything?

Edit: changed machismo to bravado. It's more accurate.

Also. PS:

I change my mind, it's not something that should bother you. You're perfectly entitled to be bothered or not bothered by whatever it is you damn well please.

But it is something that bothers many men. It is something that I believe many men are bothered by without being particularly self aware of. And insist that it is something that needs to be addressed to help society move forwards to more egalitarian outcomes and hopefully just generally more harmonious relationships between different people.

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