
electro1 , in Tumbleweed Monthly Update - June 2024 avatar

That's not a bug in the artwork, that's a darn show stopper .. 😅

dogsnest , (edited ) in How to block applications from accessing the Internet avatar

First Solution Works



eta: Firejail is available in most distros' repos.

The last reply in THIS thread includes a simple bash script to launch restricted apps.

Archaeopteryx , avatar

Firejail is great. I can recommend it.

sandalbucket , in How to block applications from accessing the Internet

Use network namespaces :)

A brand new network namespace doesn’t have any network interfaces. When you start a process in a namespace, all its child processes will start there too. It’s like a little network jail, and the functionality is baked into the kernel / is kernel enforced.

I use this to keep certain processes on a vpn, with no need for interface-binding support from the process, or a vpn-killswitch.

Another fun fact, this is the functionality that enables containerization, like docker/podman

RelativeArea0 , in How to block applications from accessing the Internet

Heres my lazy and probably stupid way (im a nub btw)

  1. Only install flatpak apps.
  2. Install flatseal and manage every app using that.

Cons: might be a problem to manage if you got like 1000+ flatpak apps installed

sugar_in_your_tea , (edited ) in Leap 15.6 Unveils Choices for Users

Woo! Good work to everyone involved!

I'm excited to update, and will be playing with MicroOS in the meantime.

Edit: Just upgraded my NAS and VPS a few days ago and everything went smoothly. Good release everyone!

Archaeopteryx OP , avatar

Yeah. Will do the update on my server playground today :)

sugar_in_your_tea , in openSUSE Community Readies for Release Party

I'm excited for this one. It seems to be the last 15.X release until whatever openSUSE ALP does. I'm probably going to switch my servers to MicroOS, but I'm happy that I get another year or so with 15.6.

Congrats on the hard work everyone! I'm out of town for the release, but I might upgrade my VPN server remotely to join in a little.

Maragato , in Aeon Desktop Brings New Features in RC2 Release avatar

Excellent news about Aeon and the development of an own installer. The last time I installed Aeon it didn't allow automatic user login, is this possible anymore? Thanks

sugar_in_your_tea OP ,

I haven't used it, but this post implies that it should work:

edit /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager and put your username in DISPLAYMANAGER_AUTOLOGIN="username"

Archaeopteryx OP , in openSUSE Tumbleweed Monthly Update - May 2024 avatar

There is still an issue that the update want delete the steam package because of a broken dependency.

2 Problems:
Problem: 1: the installed calibre-7.4.0-2.3.x86_64 requires '', but this requirement cannot be provided
deleted providers: libQt6Gui6-6.7.0-2.2.x86_64

Problem: 2: the installed steam- requires 'glibc-locale-base-32bit', but this requirement cannot be provided
deleted providers: glibc-locale-base-32bit-2.39-7.1.x86_64

Problem: 1: the installed calibre-7.4.0-2.3.x86_64 requires '', but this requirement cannot be provided
deleted providers: libQt6Gui6-6.7.0-2.2.x86_64

 Solution 1: Following actions will be done:
  keep obsolete libQt6Gui6-6.7.0-2.2.x86_64
  keep obsolete libQt6Core6-6.7.0-2.2.x86_64
  keep obsolete libQt6DBus6-6.7.0-2.2.x86_64
  keep obsolete libQt6OpenGL6-6.7.0-2.2.x86_64
  keep obsolete libQt6Widgets6-6.7.0-2.2.x86_64
 Solution 2: deinstallation of calibre-7.4.0-2.3.x86_64
 Solution 3: break calibre-7.4.0-2.3.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies

Choose from above solutions by number or skip, retry or cancel [1/2/3/s/r/c/d/?] (c): 2

Problem: 2: the installed steam- requires 'glibc-locale-base-32bit', but this requirement cannot be provided
deleted providers: glibc-locale-base-32bit-2.39-7.1.x86_64

 Solution 1: deinstallation of steam-
 Solution 2: keep obsolete glibc-locale-base-32bit-2.39-7.1.x86_64
 Solution 3: break steam- by ignoring some of its dependencies

Choose from above solutions by number or skip, retry or cancel [1/2/3/s/r/c/d/?] (c): 

But it looks like there is a fix already in testing.

Archaeopteryx OP , avatar

The issue is resolved.

Amaterasu , in openSUSE Tumbleweed Monthly Update - May 2024

This is awesome work. Tons of necessary updates.

jokro , in Aeon Desktop Brings New Features in RC2 Release

I'm thinking of switching to Aeon from Tumbleweed, but i always wonder how you would work with cli tools, like LaTeX or various compilers. Is distrobox the way to go? Does it work seamless?

sugar_in_your_tea OP ,

Same. I think you just use transactional-update instead of zypper when you're ready to install something permanently. I don't know what the package selection looks like though.

But anything that's going to need frequent updates should probably be installed outside of transactional-update. For compilers, I generally use some kind of compiler version manager (e.g. rustup for Rust), which would be outside of the immutable base.

Amaterasu , in Aeon Desktop Brings New Features in RC2 Release

A lot of bold claims related to be better for gaming even compared to Tumbleweed. Does it really have a lead on it? Why Gnome instead of KDE?

sugar_in_your_tea OP ,

There's a KDE version as well called Kalpa.

The main benefit is that the base system is immutable, which should make it much more reliable. So to get new software, instead of doing a zypper install ..., you'd leave the base system alone and only install packaged apps (e.g. flatpaks). That way you don't get conflicts between package versions and upgrades can be predictable.

I don't have direct experience with it, so I don't know how well that works in practice. But I definitely like the idea of using it for my NAS, which doesn't need a lot of updates. It currently runs Leap, but MicroOS should be a relatively straight-forward switch.

sugar_in_your_tea , in openSUSE Tumbleweed Monthly Update - April

Not sure why they included random Python packages in the KDE Frameworks section.

Good work to everyone patching the various exploits, April was a spicy month. Oh, and I'm loving KDE 6, so awesome work getting the ready too (I think that was last month though).

Archaeopteryx OP , avatar

Yeah, don't know why the Pytnon stuff is in the Frameworks section. I just copy & pasted

flyos , in Plasma 6 & Gnome 46 just arrived in Slowroll (new snapshot) avatar

Anyone here using Slowroll as a daily driver? I guess the upgrading to Plasma 6 will be quite smoother than with Tumbleweed, which clearly shows the utility of this distribution, but I was wondering about how it goes as a daily driver.

Also, anyone knows whether consecutive snapshot upgrades are openQA’d specifically for Slowroll?

jokro OP , in openSUSE Tumbleweed – Review of the week 2024/13 – Dominique a.k.a. DimStar (Dim*)

Already wondered what’s causing a 5GB Update, but this explains it:

For snapshot 0328, Ring0 has been completely bootstrapped (as the attack vectors for xz were not fully known, we went the safest route) and for 0329 all of Tumbleweed rebuilt against that new base; Ezpect that snapshot to appear ‘large’ (even though many packages will not be different).

SFaulken , in Transactional Server role for desktop use avatar

Uh. You just described Aeon and Kalpa.

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