Mojojojo1993 ,

Absolutely. But we haven’t had a collapse with the entire planet In it’s current state. Unlikely it would be similar to previous collapses.

Potentially but if one thing blows up it impacts all others. 2008 crisis impacted all other nations. COVID encircled the globe. If and when the USA blows up it will pull down all other stock markets. They are worldwide so a contagion is going to impact others. Or so the theory goes.

You are thinking logically. Interestly the pitcairns watched as generations cut down all the trees. They actually removed their only way to escape the island. Similar to Easter island.

I’m not in charge of the trees. A giant conglomerate is and they want all the wealth and profit and couldn’t care less what happens after 50 years. That is our current predicament as humanity. Those who actually want change don’t have the power or capacity to stop Amazon from destroying the Amazon.

I’ll look up some information on that. It’s behaving irrational and not following a normal projectory. It keeps going up regardless of what is thrown at it. It’s no longer in sync with the banking sector or any sector. As long as pensions and systems keep putting money in it keeps going up. Valuation has no link to real actual outcomes. Debt and money are created out of thin air using valuations that are in any way linked to reality. It literally can’t stop going up because trillions of wealth is relying upon it that has no real backing in reality.

Easy example is evergrande. It relies on a similar system to current stock markets. It uses it’s “equity” valuation and future valuation of its product, homes. It then gets loans values on this and has to keep building houses to build more houses. If it stops building it can’t afford to pay for the previous house.

If house prices stop going up it can no longer service it’s debt and can’t get out of it’s debt. Sane as stock market. It’s fake. Numbers are moved shares move but they aren’t actually real. If for some reason shares were recalled the whole system would collapse as nothing is actually backed up with physical real shares. Sane as banking sector. Banks only require to have 10% cash on hand. Why a bank run is so terrifying.

USA dent is in the trillions and it can’t pay it back. Things need to keep running as it keeps the system going. If it stops for any reason then everything falters and breaks.

Basically my point was that what worked in the last isn’t necessarily going to work in the future. Markets were much simpler and a lot less interconnected. My belief is that the next humanity civilization disaster will be financial.

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