mozz OP , avatar

Ghost of Martin Luther King: So let me get this straight. You say the WRONG people? Are in CHARGE?

You: Yeah man. It's a bitch.

Ghost of Martin Luther King: Fuck, man. Just give up. It's the only way. Throw in the towel, and make sure you whine to people on the internet about how it's hopeless. Like, at every opportunity. "You'll never escape" "things are hopeless" and so on. And, make sure you cloak yourself in a self-serving mantle of wisdom, and talk down to people, and act like what you're doing is helping. And just like that... all of a sudden, things will get better.

You: Wow I'll do exactly that

This will be my last message to you. I hope you got what you were looking for from this interaction.

(Edit: I would have thought this was obvious, but my point about Navalny was to add one more to the list of people who have struggled to make things better against odds that were about 5-10 times more insurmountable than anything faced by progressives in the US. That's a situation you could a lot better describe as "hopeless," although in the long run it's not. But it should throw into a lot sharper relief how much less difficult and dangerous it is trying to work for change in the US. Nothing about Putin; the focus was on Navalny.)

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