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Madison_rogue , avatar

Congrats on the initial guidelines, I believe they are a great step forward for the community! Glad to have participated in some of the conversation. To me, this is an exciting development in forming a new community within our respective instant.

- Do you want this magazine to only be U.S. politics, or is it okay for politics from other countries to be posted here? On that note, should it go without saying that all content must be in English?

I think we should embrace politics from not only the U.S., but from other countries as well. I believe it fosters a robust community.

- Do you want a Discussion-style thread in this magazine based on the description above? Would you want this style of thread if the description was tweaked?

I love the idea of discussion-style threads and wonder if they could be incorporated into microblogging. I have no problem if they're included in the main threads of the community, however wonder if microblogging is the best place for them. Open for discussion and further input from the community on this...overall, not a deal breaker on the community decision, as long as the discussions are labeled as such in the thread

- What should the consequences be for violating community guidelines? What should the consequences be for violating the submission rules?

I believe a "3 strikes your out" consequence structure is applicable. 1st offense, warning...2nd offense a week...3rd offense ban.

- Would anyone like to volunteer to help with QoL issues in this magazine such as rebooting our magazine image? With CSS or JS design?

I wish I had the background to help here, yet I don't. I only hope that some of the ideas I've provided have positively contributed to setting up the community. I look forward to contributing and commenting for a long time.

Thanks everyone for all the hard work!

@HandsHurtLoL I've really enjoyed conversing, and sharing ideas with you throughout the process.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

Thanks for the kind words, but honestly - just the fact that so many users felt confident enough here to voice their views is already proof that we're headed in the right direction.

I agree with what you've said here, but I have my concerns about the microblogging feature of these ActivityPub instances. I'm going to be honest and say that I'm not super clear about the interplay of threads and microblogs in the magazines. When a user boosts an item, it appears on their timeline feed in their microblog, if I'm understanding this platform correctly. My reservations about using tags is that they could put the spotlight on our magazine across the entire Fediverse at once, which may end up a nightmare. I am confident we can influence events between kbin and Lemmy. But I think it will feel like drinking from a fire hose if we get all of Mastadon jumping down our throats, too.

For what it's worth, I wish we could move more quickly on some of these magazine rules, but two of us mods had real life stuff planned prior to taking on the magazine that's made the timing weird. When I asked Ernest to hand off the reigns, I assumed he would be too busy to do anything for a few days. He replied within an hour, so I became a mod for a topic I deeply care about knowing full well that I was supposed to get on a plane and fly across the country for a weeklong work event in not even 9 hours! I've been doing all this in spare time from the hotel. Guess I must have been pretty convincing to Ernest lol

Anyhow, I have appreciated your engagement! Thanks for being a member here.

HarkMahlberg , avatar

FWIW, I've never seen a more orderly, rational, engaged effort to start up a moderation team on a relatively new community completely from scratch. Your time and energy investment hasn't gone unnoticed. Cheers.

HandsHurtLoL OP ,

I'm really touched by this praise. Thanks so much!

And to think, I was a pure lurker on r/politics.

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