admiralteal ,

You can also vote for Biden because the IRA was a $1.3+ trillion climate package that is already dramatically improved all models for climate change using a carrot approach that is actually working. Permitting reform is a complex issue, but the best policy experts do think it's necessary because the same policies that make oil drilling easier ALSO make things like solar, offshore wind, and even things like geothermal or green hydrogen easier to get approved. The US energy permitting process was and still is holding us back. The free market is going to crush fossil fuels pretty fast under the current trends. Not nearly fast enough, but faster under IRA than anything so far. And even that chunk of permitting reform was a concession (to the coal-hearted monster Joe Manchin) because the counterfactual outcome was nothing.

Minimum wage cannot be raised by executive order. That's just not a thing. It wouldn't even make it past lower courts, much less the SCOTUS. The only place that can be done is for federal workers... which it was.

BBB contained tons of social welfare reforms before it got torpedoed. By Joe Manchin. It would've meant a lot to working class people.

A recurring theme. The fact is, the last time Democrats were able to get real power over all three chambers and free of conservative lunatics, the ACA got passed. Even then, they had to make big compromises to get the GOP to help sign on to do it, seriously watering it down and making it fail to be much better than a bandaid on the problem.

I can't reply to the inevitable conspiracy theory of "well they wouldn't have put more forward if they knew it could pass!!!~", but the fact is this stuff WAS put forward. And couldn't pass. So negotiation and compromise happened to get something passed because that's better than nothing.

You say the "Democrats aren't the answer", but you don't even know the question. You're an idealist, not a realist. A realist votes strategically and encourages others to do the things that will actually work. You have prejudged these politicians and are literally saying it is insane to vote for them in spite of the progress that demonstrably has been made, just because it didn't live up to your total moral standards. You're encouraging people to walk away from a winnable fight.

Arguing with bothsiders drives me fucking up the wall.

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