Justice Department Files Statement of Interest in Case on Right to Travel to Access Legal Abortions ( www.justice.gov )

The Justice Department filed a statement of interest today in two consolidated lawsuits seeking to protect the right to interstate travel, including the right to travel to another state to obtain an abortion that is legal in the destination state. The statement of interest explains that the Constitution protects the right to travel across state lines and engage in conduct that is lawful where it is performed and that states cannot prevent third parties from assisting others in exercising that right. The statement argues that the Alabama Attorney General’s threatened prosecutions of individuals for providing assistance to people seeking lawful out-of-state abortions are therefore unconstitutional. The cases are Yellowhammer Fund v. Marshall and West Alabama Women’s Center, et al., v. Marshall.


The party of "ThE lIbS wAnT tO TaKe AwAy OuR fReEdOmS!!!!1!!" everyone. As if we really needed proof that the GOP has zero interest in people's rights.

Vote people, because these suits will be dropped under a GOP president and we can't trust SCOTUS because the majority has more interest in what they can get out of GOP donors than what the Constitution actually says.

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