WetBeardHairs ,

If there were a viable third option I would vote for them. Being moral in this situation means Trump would get elected and my family would be victims of political violence while that same apathetic blind eye turns away from us. It’s a personal threat to my physical safety if Trump is elected.

I politically align with Repugnicans by about 2%, Democrats by about 10%. I don’t want either. But I only have 1/300,000,000 shares of power in America to enact my will and it is “i don’t want to be dragged from my home and shot”. And yes, that does mean I am voting in the interest of myself not being dragged from my home and shot while the president actively throws bombs on a warzone where that happens to other people on the other side of the planet. It fucking sucks. But being moral here will result in my fucking death.

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