MeetInPotatoes ,

That’s not how the legal system works I’m afraid. To give you an example of why this doesn’t work, let’s take a look at the Russiagate conspiracy theory that many people still fervently believe today. Turns out it was complete and utter nonsense:

Oh man, there’s a lot to untangle here but the short answer is that you seem to have been badly fooled by their denials of wrongdoing. Barr was Trump’s fixer and covered for him on this one and you’re actually citing him as if he was a trustworthy source. A federal judge later blasted Barr for his lack of candor in summarizing Mueller’s findings. The Republican-led Senate Intel Committee found that Manafort, Trump’s campaign chair, was meeting with a Russian agent almost daily, “before, during, and after the election” and sharing internal campaign polling data. So the collusion came straight from the top of the campaign. The FEC chair Ellen Weintraub had to make public statements twice reminding the public that it is a federal crime to accept anything of value connected to an election from a foreign representative. The Trump Tower meeting where they were hoping to get dirt on Hillary Clinton was, factually speaking, collusion with Russia in plain sight. Their defense was that they didn’t actually have any dirt to offer, but only after Trump publicly walked back multiple lies about the purpose of the meeting.

If you recall, the Trump admin stonewalled the Mueller investigation, bucking subpoenas to testify and stonewalling them for requested documents. They were found to have been using encrypted messaging apps to talk to each other and these foreign operatives. That’s why Mueller stated all the ways that the Trump campaign obstructed justice. If you believe the people who obstructed justice and hindered the investigation were innocent because Mueller couldn’t find enough evidence to pin collusion on them, I’m not really sure what to tell you except that you seem to have left out the overwhelmingly strong possibility that they successfully obstructed the Mueller investigation. Regardless, the Senate Intel Committee did find examples of Russian collusion related to the election. You might want to double-check where you get your news from and question why they wanted to convince you that Russiagate was a hoax.

I don’t even live in your shithole country. I’m just watching it tear itself apart from the outside.

Why are you wasting people’s time with your half-informed takes then? It’s pretty arrogant for you to act like you know what you’re talking about when you so clearly don’t.

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