Beetschnapps ,

It’s only a false take if you ignore the past 5+ decades and call any progress “false” compared to whatever ideological inanity that only exists in your head.

Biden has in fact been great for objective, and easily understood metrics of progress.

There is no alternative to get that progress elsewhere. Show me the republican accomplishing anything close, I’ll wait. Seriously show anything… show me the socialist changing shit right now… again I’ll wait. But for how many years?

We didn’t didn’t get a socialist utopia before, and in fact the US got 8 years of lies taking the country to Iraq, creating the patriot act, and causing the economy to melt down… meanwhile Obamacare did in fact help extend access to healthcare and removed arbitrary barriers like preexisting conditions. Yet… it’s all the same and we might as well vote for Bush again and go to war with Iraq or Iran. Both sides… That’s the track re-record you want to ignore.

It’s not perfect but tell me the socialists that helped US citizens get better healthcare… I’ll wait (for years) for the answer.

Tell me the obstacles for not accomplishing more? Joe Lieberman? Not liberals…

So keep it up with the “alternatives” angle. All while sounding ignorant about said angles and offering no alternatives.

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