Javier Milei says he's the future of Argentina. He looks a lot like its past. ( www.motherjones.com )


What makes Milei different from his (not particularly) ideological ilk—notably former presidents Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, both of whom he admires—is that Milei is a true believer in libertarian economics.

Milei wants to abolish the Argentine central bank and dollarize the economy. He wants to end public education and replace it with a voucher system. He wants to privatize healthcare and legalize the free trade of human organs. Milei has said that he will eliminate the health, education, and environment ministries and replace them with a one-stop shop “Ministry of Human Capital.” He downplays climate change and wants to make it easier for Argentines to own handguns. As he said during the campaign, his plan is to “change the logic of social policy, where we go from giving people fish to teaching them how to fish.”

Too bad we tried this before, and what we got was the Gilded Era of boom-and-bust economics. But I’m sure this time it’ll be different!


[Hayek] does not see, or will not admit, that a return to ‘free’ competition means for the great mass of people a tyranny probably worse, because more irresponsible, than that of the State. The trouble with competitions is that somebody wins them. Professor Hayek denies that free capitalism necessarily leads to monopoly, but in practice that is where it has led, and since the vast majority of people would far rather have State regimentation than slumps and unemployment, the drift towards collectivism is bound to continue if popular opinion has any say in the matter.

It was true in 1944 and it continues to be true today.

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