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PeleSpirit ,

If you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community, then be yourself and make lots of friends and allies. I grew up in a very anti-gay school and when I made friends that were out in college, I instantly knew that they were good people. How can you go after people that you know are good people? This is a distraction from them wanting to take over the government again.

This is the part funding them and the core of it all:

The business wish list calls for eliminating federal agencies, stripping those that remain of regulatory power, and deregulating industries. The president would directly manage and influence Department of Justice and FBI cases, which would allow him to pursue criminal cases against political enemies. Environmental law would be gutted, and states would be prevented from enforcing their own environmental laws.

darq , avatar

This is good advice. But I also wouldn't downplay the actual hatred of LGBTQ+ people either. For many conservatives, the identity politics are a distraction to mask their real goal of putting more money into wealthy pockets. But for a very large contingent of conservatives, it really is all about eradicating LGBTQ+ people.

UnculturedSwine ,

It’s why this rhetoric works for much of their base. They wouldn’t be pushing this strategy if there wasn’t a voting block that fully wants it. As a gay person, this is also part of why I’m out and married. If the authoritarian state wants to prosecute me for being who I am, let them do so and show the entire world what they really are and what I really am.

Uranium3006 , avatar

The problem is you might die. You gotta take up arms and fight back

UnculturedSwine ,

I can’t just kill a cop that tries to arrest me. It’s more complicated than that.

Uranium3006 , avatar

Yes you can

UnculturedSwine ,

Really easy for you to say behind a keyboard on an anonymous platform. Shooting a cop is the easiest way for me to end my own life short of shooting myself.

mycorrhiza OP ,

A visibly armed LGBTQ community is a good way to counter right wing intimidation.

Also, cops aren’t the only people to worry about. RIP Laura Carleton.

UnculturedSwine ,

I mean, I’m talking strictly about the scenario implied in the material of the post. Also, not everyone can arm themselves for various reasons. I happen to be in this camp. If the shit went down, the best thing I could do is bug out with the people I can who are also under the threat of violence.

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

That’s a choice I hope you never have to face. Job one, let’s keep these turds out of office.

GreenMario ,

Also buy guns and ammo. LGBT should be the new militant stereotype taking it away from right wingers.

Every pride march should be a sea of open carry. Project fierce and intimidation. Live free or die. If the option is dying in a camp or dying while taking out fashies, I know what I would do.

Uranium3006 , avatar

We need black block at pride

glacier , avatar

Unfortunately a lot of people in our community are not fit to own a firearm because it could be a danger to themselves.

audiomodder ,

This is very true. Imagine that, social ostracism causes depression!

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