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regalia ,

Why are the Democrat’s not pushing to expose this? The GOP pushes culture wars with wanting to kill trans people. The Democrat’s should be just as loud but with exposing the disgusting things that the GOP do on a regular basis that is straight up fucking evil. They have practically unlimited material to work with!

booty , avatar
  1. Democrats don’t want to win and don’t have any true beliefs, they’re controlled opposition
  2. No one cares what you “expose” about republicans anyway. People vote for who they’re told to vote for no matter what. They were told to vote for trump, they voted for trump, despite the fact that he’s a self-admitted sexual predator. They were told to vote for Biden so they voted for Biden, even though he is also a sexual predator, and a well-documented racist monster just like Trump of course.
  3. By consolidating behind Biden they kind of cut off their ability to criticize people for being like Biden. And Biden is basically a republican.
michaelrose ,

Can you not spread your conspiracy theories here. I swear I have no idea why EVERYTHING is about sex for Qanon

booty , avatar

I’m literally the opposite of a qanon person

michaelrose ,

They were told to vote for Biden so they voted for Biden, even though he is also a sexual predator, and a well-documented racist monster just like Trump of course.

Biden isn’t a sexual predator that is literally a qanon conspiracy theory. He was racist in the 60s. When you know better you do better. People actually sometimes do progress over 50 odd years.

People don’t vote for Biden because they are told to the functional design of our winner takes all voting system is that there will always be 2 major parties because any third party that gets a substantial chunk of the vote ends up splitting the vote with the party it is most like resulting in the opposite side winning. If you want something better there are about half a hundred better systems like ranked choice voting that would allow people to credibly vote for third parties without throwing away their vote.

Pretending we are just helpless because people are sheep just teaches people to be helpless instead of recognizing they are acting rationally given bad options.

booty , avatar

Biden isn’t a sexual predator that is literally a qanon conspiracy theory

That he is not a sexual predator is a blue-MAGA conspiracy theory. It is very apparent to everyone who isn’t on his team.

He was racist in the 60s.

The man eulogized Strom Thurmond, fuck off with this shit.

michaelrose ,

MAGAs want to replace democracy with an autocracy of a Hitleresque figure who wants to put his enemies in prison and shoot protestors. He has said he plans to gut the entire federal government and replace it with folks that have sworn a loyalty oath to trump and imprison state goverment officials who don’t tow the line. They believe this is necessary because the majority of them believe in some part of the Qanon mythos which has an army of fictional children trafficked by a global cabal of vampires extending their life by harvesting the brain chemicals of their victims. This fits right in with the rest of their world view where the earth is less than 10,000 years old, vaccines containing microchips to control their brains, forest fires caused by Jewish space lasers, and the need to prepare the world for the climactic second coming of their zombie lord. It’s also awfully convenient because who needs to worry about that fake global warming if jeebus is coming back any day now.

In comparison “Blue-Magas” want everyone to have affordable health care and college, tax rich people, let women and their doctors manage their health care decisions and think a fellow who has spent decades in government doing acceptable but not revolutionary work without scandal or nonsense is an OK guy. Do you even hear yourself? There aren’t any blue MAGAs.

booty , (edited ) avatar

MAGAs want to replace democracy

We don’t have democracy.

In comparison “Blue-Magas” want everyone to have affordable health care and college, tax rich people, let women and their doctors manage their health care decisions

No they fucking don’t, stop lying. You want to see your preferred sexual predator on the throne, that’s all you care about. He’s been on the throne for three years out of a four year term and hasn’t accomplished ANY of this. Your preferred dictator was on the throne for eight years not long ago and also didn’t accomplish any of this. Instead, he caged brown children at the border, murdered brown children overseas, and so on.

a fellow who has spent decades in government doing acceptable but not revolutionary work without scandal or nonsense…/Joe_Biden_sexual_assault_alleg…

michaelrose ,

Neither Biden, nor Obama, nor Bush, nor Clinton nor Bush Sr, aspired to replace democracy. None of them tried to sit on a throne. You are basically confused about everything.

booty , avatar

Neither Biden, nor Obama, nor Bush, nor Clinton nor Bush Sr, aspired to replace democracy.

True, because we have never had democracy in the US. None of them aspired to institute it.

Sean , avatar

@michaelrose @booty Biden should have, for the good of the party and nation, step aside and have announced he wasn't going to run for reelection. With a lively primary, the narrative in news cycle would be dominated by a bunch of Democrats saying why their vision was better riffing off of Biden's accomplishment (as smell as they were) and contrasting against GOP's criminal conspiracies and apologists for criminals. Instead we will have a return of hide-a-Biden strategy but no pandemic

Chunk ,

IMO because the average voter won’t pay attention to some manifesto. Average people who vote Democrat don’t get riled up to go to the polls because some Republicans wrote this document.

regalia ,

They don’t need to. The title of this post got your attention, did it not?

Chunk ,

You and I are reading that title. That automatically means we aren’t average American voters. Most voters do not watch the news, let alone read it, let alone go on a forum like Lemmy and get in the discussion thread and have an ongoing conversation about politics.

regalia ,

I mean still, it doesn’t require that big of a brain to read the posts on world news and whatnot of the crazy shit of what GOP is doing and getting outraged. The outrage card works, democrats should at least do it using GOP’s actions as fuel.

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