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nkat2112 OP , avatar

Obama won – and Wurzelbacher’s brush with fame soured with revelations that he was both not a fully licensed plumber and owed more than $1,000 in taxes.

My condolences to the Wurzelbacher family, but I feel compelled to ask:

Why is it that all these selfish right-wingers are integrity challenged? This pattern is remarkable, and Joe the Plumber Who Was Not a Licensed Plumber is but one mere example.

Even under the prior Republican administration, this “plumber” did not fulfill his tax obligations.

Sharpiemarker ,

Ooo this is an easy one, best explained by The Alt-Right Playbook in their video Always a bigger fish

cyrano ,

Thanks for the vid.

SamsonSeinfelder ,

I rewatched the Video after all these years and have to say: In some aspects it aged like milk. For example 6:11 “The word here is ‘tend’. Liberals are still capitalist and conservatives still stand for democracy”. Are they? The Conservatives love for democracy is eroding hard. Fascism is really tightly bonded to the “conservatives” of today. Being a nazi, wanting a dictator or at least an authoritarian leader like Putin seems pretty popular in the conservative mindset.

Boddhisatva ,

I can't say for certain that all right-wingers are integrity challenged, but it sure seems that way. It's almost like you wouldn't be right-wing if you weren't already lacking in integrity. Then again, maybe it's the other way. Maybe people have to sacrifice their integrity in order to support right-wing positions.

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