s20 , (edited )

Oh the explanation is… complex. There are a long list of factors involved. I’m going to give you one, as I see it.

Through charisma, lies, corruption, and misdirection, our education system has been destroyed. Anything resembling logic or even basic rational thought is something you have to teach yourself in America. So, we have a massive population of ignorant folks vulnerable to nonsense, including evangelical Christianity.

Evangelical Christianity isn’t actually about saving souls or whatever. It’s about keeping the populace ignorant and looking at bullshit so the “conservative” leadership can rob everyone, lining their pockets and stoking as much fear and division as they can.

That’s one part of why people aren’t in the streets. There are many, many moving parts to what’s fucked in modern America. And personally, I’d rather just say fuck it and leave at this point.

Signed, a U.S. Army combat veteran.

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