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TCB13 , avatar

Hmmm interesting, so it is impossible for a right-wing gov to handle a crisis but somehow and at the same time impossible for a left-wing gov to avoid creating multiple crisis with their policies. Damn democracy. 😀

btaf45 OP ,

George Bush is responsible for Hamas control of Gaza

June 15, 2007

[The takeover this week of the Gaza Strip by the Hamas militant group dedicated to the elimination of Israel demonstrates how much that vision has failed to materialize, in part because of actions taken by the administration. The United States championed Israel’s departure from the Gaza Strip as a first step toward peace and then pressed both Israelis and Palestinians to schedule legislative elections, which Hamas unexpectedly won. Now Hamas is the unchallenged power in Gaza.]

Everyone knew Bush was incompetent at his job. Look at how many huge fuckups the guy had.

Bush Fuckup #1: Letting Bin Laden escape from Tora Bora instead of ordering the thousands of nearby US troops to go get him.

Bush Fuckup #2: Ignoring the many CIA warnings about 9/11 before 9/11

Bush Fuckup #3: Being the last person in the country to understand how bad the flooding in New Orleans was.

Bush Fuckup #4:Tanking the stock market and the US economy in his last year in office.

Bush Fuckup #5 Wasting hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars in government bailouts because he tanked the economy.

Bush Fuckup #6 Giving Hamas control over Gaza.

TCB13 , avatar

Guess that by the number of downvotes left and right wing operate differently in US than they do here (Europe). Let me tell you, what happens here is that the left gets into gov until they waste all the money and does all the corrupt contracts that drive countries into extreme debt and other issues, then the right wing has to pick up the pieces and rebuild thing / countries so they might function again.

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