neuracnu OP , avatar

I had something similar happen with the mailbox on my block. Thieves tried to jimmy the lock on the mailbox to steal outgoing mail, but only managed to destroy the cylinder. The post office couldn’t get into so they just ignored the mail that was inside. No signs, no new mailbox, no notice to neighbors, nothing. For months.

It was that way for months until the city sent me a late notice on my property tax bill. That’s when I noticed the check hadn’t been cashed and the mailbox was overflowing.

I talked to the postmaster about it and he was all “yeah, we know it’s busted lol, a replacement is coming”. He didn’t give a shit about all the mail that was in there. I bugged them about it weekly after that, and covered up the slot with gorilla tape and made up laminated signs that said the mailbox was broken and not usable (and that all the mail was locked inside) with directions to the nearest usable mailbox and the contact info of the postmaster.

It got replaced a few weeks after that.

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