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pelespirit , avatar

Get out of Texas, they’re not on your side.

MossyFeathers ,

With what money? I’d love to get out of texas, especially because if Trump or another Republican wins the next election, I’m one of the people they’ll be coming for. But with what money?

F_Haxhausen , avatar

Yes. With what money?

People think it easy to just pick up and move someplace far.

SuiXi3D , avatar

I had to wipe out my (pitifully small) savings just to move down the street. Moving out of state would be a sure fire way for me to become homeless.

jumperalex ,

and to create entirely new social networks. I spent years moving in the military, at least we had an insta-group to step into. Not so easy as a middle-aged civilian.

CaptainSpaceman ,

Or, stop letting gerrymandering and voter suppression ruin the blue votes. Ya know, resist


Tried that, got betrayed by blue politicians. The Democratic party in Texas as well as nationally have ceded Texas to the GOP. I'm still voting blue but I have zero expectation of anything of worth out of that party at the state level.

pdxfed ,

To the contrary, 52/46 is not a state you bail on. Look at GA turning blue. 2024 will be interesting to see what the CA migration makes as far as a dent in the ~5% vote difference. Texas will turn blue eventually, it’s a matter of when and if it’s too late to turn the ship around at that point.

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