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shalafi ,

Boomer mother started going off about voting Trump because “illegals”.

“Nah, we handled that shit in Florida. Passed legislation scaring 'em right the fuck out of here. Of course our crops are rotting in the fields, we got no medical helpers, maids or janitors. But they left! Sure, there were 100 business owners interviewed saying they supported the bill, but didn’t think the consequences would work out like that. They need to hire real Americans. If they can find 'em for $5 an hour…”

We also got the “gay agenda” under control around here. Woke companies taking their convention business, and business in general, away, but at least we made a stand!


This is the reality GOP voters don't want to confront. The migrants are the fucking backbone of America - moreso than anyone born in this country. If it doesn't have an underclass to exploit, this country cannot be as successful as it has been. They provide the underpaid workforce that has allowed for wage stagnation to persist for decades.

shalafi ,

LOL, that’s what I told mom. You want the benefits of the slave labor this country was built on? Then STFU.

Squizzy ,

I’m not in the US, I heard something that Florida did months ago. Is it still the case and causing issues?

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