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ChapulinColorado ,

They didn’t opt to accept the consequences. They opted to look for another job once the salary expectations a jump make sense. Perhaps it’s what dell wanted in order to avoid headlines about layoffs.

Auli ,

And where would they go? It would have to be a smaller company as all the big tech companies seem to be laying people off.

FenrirIII , avatar

They're all counting on AI to replace people and will be sorely disappointed

Zaktor ,

They've got plenty of time to make the jump since they can just coast along with their Dell salary until them. Quitting starts a clock until you have to just accept whatever is available, but staying employed and knowing you have to leave eventually let's you start looking without the pressure.

cyberpunk007 ,

Not necessarily a bad thing. End of last year I moved to a smaller company with better benefits and 30% increase on my salary.

bitchkat ,

Smaller companies are better IMHO. I've worked for evil giant software companies (via acquisition) and fairly small companies (~50 employees) and the only thing the big companies do better on is healthcare costs (volume pricing) and believe or not holidays. Maybe companies are just cheapening out but 10 holiday days was the standard. In 2017 I switched jobs and that company only had 6 holiday days a year (and they are terribly cheap in many other ways). I left that job and was back to 10 days. But that company got bought and the place that bought us only has 8 holiday days. At least they gave us 2 additional vacation days to make up for it.

cyberpunk007 ,

Last year the org I worked for was acquired, this year the new org I work for acquired another. So far my experience is the acquired company gets shit on lol.

bitchkat ,

My company was acquired last year and the new company basically gave us extra vacation days to "keep us whole". They also adjusted our salaries to make up for a slight difference in 401k match, etc.

uis , avatar

Maybe companies are just cheapening out but 10 holiday days was the standard.

Holidays? What about vacation?

uis , avatar

When Putin goes to Hauge(or coffin), I recommend you to look into working in Russia. We have by labour law 14 vacations and 28 vacation days, where each vacation is at leasy 14 days long. Also clarification for americans: we have paid sick days or rather 10 paid sick months, very basic UHC for foreigners and decent(in Moscow) state insurance(works as tax) for residents and citizens.

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