theodewere , to Politics avatar

if you voted for Trump, you go out of your way to prove what an ignorant asshole you are, all day long, every day

LarryTheMatador , avatar


Facebones ,

I cut out a Trumper friend because he flat out shushed me for being too political.

The topic I was talking about? Getting half hour busses back.

Arotrios , (edited ) to Politics avatar

For fellow redditfugees, you may remember a time when a certain brilliant citizen journalist topped /r/politics with their exquisitely detailed posts on American politics and an amazingly buttery username. Well, today I found out that @PoppinKREAM is now on the Fediverse. I'd like to propose a toast to the work of the best citizen journalist I've ever read. May your work here eclipse your accomplishments on Reddit. Salud PoppinKREAM!

FrickAndMortar ,

Seconded! Just found this out today myself, hear hear to your toast!

ManyRoads , to Politics avatar

No kidding... finally a Republican who understands.

"Tim Scott slams Florida's Black history curriculum: "There is no silver lining" in slavery"

transmatrix ,

I really don’t understand how a gay black man can be in the current Republican Party without large levels of self-loathing.

Jaysyn , avatar

@ManyRoads He might understand, but he'll be an "also-ran".

Arotrios , to Politics avatar

So I'm reminded today that the Republican Party hasn't released an update to their policy platform since 2016. Seeing as they're having money troubles and all, I thought I'd ask the Fediverse to help out.

So Fediverse, in your opinion, what is the current policy platform of the Republican party?

If you can provide links to specific legislation (passed or pending) or news articles that support your answer, all the better.

Jaysyn , avatar


It's Fascism.

AshDene , to Politics avatar

I'm neither an expert nor an american, but the idea that RFK Jr running as a third party candidate will hurt the democrats seems strange to me.

His policies, which can be summed up as "deny reality", align very closely with the modern republican party, not the democrats. It's hard to imagine that he would pull more votes away from Biden than Trump. Are there some people who would vote based on name recognition? Maybe... but surely it can't be that many? Meanwhile "Trump but not a rapist" must appeal to a number of the evangelical republicans...

lagomorphlecture ,

There unfortunately are people who would vote solely on his name. “Oh he’s a Kennedy they’re very liberal.”

holycrap ,

Our electoral system is really rigged in favor of Republicans. He only needs to sway a few thousand in key states. I don’t think he will because one only needs to show any of his campaign material to a potential dem voter and they’ll drop him quick I think. People who would be drawn to him on his massage rather than his name are likely to vote Republican, not Democrat.

So I don’t think he’s make a difference. But the reason people are concerned is because he doesn’t need to say that many people. Remember that Trump had over 2% fewer votes than Clinton but won by a few thousand votes in key states.

Arotrios , to Politics avatar
ZILtoid1991 , to Politics avatar

Can someone name me the conservative philosopher?

He wrote a book about how the right must be hypocritical and just shrug it off, while relentlessly attacking the opposition for being as such. His given name was like "Carl" or something.

melmc , to Politics

‘Kissinger’s Betrayal’: New Book Explains Why South Vietnam Fell

While Kissinger rightfully has been faulted before, Young provided detailed historical documents as “smoking guns” for his argument that Kissinger betrayed Nixon, U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam Ellsworth Bunker, and South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu. This perfidy set the stage for the success of the North Vietnamese conquest of South Vietnam in April 1975. It occurred on May 31, 1971, during his secret negotiations with North Vietnamese leadership when Kissinger made a major military concession that, while the United States would withdraw from South Vietnam, it wouldn’t require North Vietnam to withdraw its forces.

melmc , to Politics

Remember where your rights come from. We've been endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights. Men cannot take them away.

melmc OP ,

[Psa 19:1-4 ESV] 1 To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. 2 Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. 3 There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. 4 Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun,

[Rom 1:18-22 ESV] 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools,

brianala , avatar

The phrasing you reference is not intended to reference a theistic creator, rather as a way to acknowledge that it is not the role of government to confer rights to the people - we are owed them inherently. “Our creator” could just as readily be interpreted to mean a series of entirely natural processes that can be explained by scientific principles.

The founding fathers themselves explicitly acknowledged that the government was not founded on religious principles on many, many occasions. If you need more details on this, the anti-defamation league has compiled several good quotes here:…/PORF-StatsFF.pdf

You are free to believe (or not) in anything you like, but there is no place within our government for the consideration of religious beliefs in how we make or apply our laws.

melmc , to Politics

Biden vs. Trump: The 2024 race a historic number of Americans don't want | CNN Politics

Neither Trump nor Biden are anywhere near positive territory this cycle, and we’re not talking about one outlier poll.

The average of all polling so far indicates that both men have favorable ratings below 40% with unfavorable ratings into the mid-50s.

Arotrios , to Politics avatar

Anyone else feeling that the sudden collapse of Twitter and Reddit is related to the conservative buyout of CNN? It feels like there's a concerted effort to capture or degrade major news outlets previously seen as left-leaning or centrist. I became suspicious after it became clear that Musk was deliberately running Twitter into the ground after buying with Saudi and Russian backers, but the timing of Reddit's attempt to emulate Twitter's self-destructive practices combined with the purchase of CNN has resulted in a significant portion of the MSM landscape that's been quickly and deliberately shifted politically rightward by the owners.

Curious to hear other folks thoughts on this dynamic, and what it will mean for the upcoming elections.

ihavenopeopleskills , avatar

@Arotrios I don't like watching cable news of either persuasion for any period of time, whether it's Newsmax, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC or whatever. It's all engineered to manipulate viewers for the benefits of megacorps.

gentleman ,

@Arotrios My sense is that there is not a direct correlation. However, the suits at CBS hired Mick Mulvaney to try to take market share from Fox. CNN changed and went authoritarian after they were bought by a conservative billionaire. Elon is a billionaire chaos agent working to promote disinformation and white nationalism. Spez is a clueless moron wannabe billionaire- he’s allowed Russian and Chinese disinformation and disruption to fester, even though he got rid of the Donald subreddit because they kept calling him a pedo (he moderated the “Jailbait” subreddit. And of course the conservative billionaire Murdoch hired Roger Ailes from the Nixon administration to create Fox News and also bought the Wall Street Journal. Don’t forget Sinclair media it’s the same deal. So I think this trend of the billionaire class buying up media buying up platforms and outlets in order to generate misinformation and solidify their political base will continue and intensify for 2024. Hopefully people see through their bullshit.

sparseMatrix , to Politics avatar

Concerning this this thing with people refusing to do business with people who are 'gay':


The question isn't whether you should be able to refuse service to 'gays' or whatever -- the question should be whether you have the right to refuse service to anyone at all.

In fact, you do: to suggest otherwise would imply that you are not free to choose who you work for, and when. That you are a slave to your customer, or to your own business.

It doesn't have anything to do with 'gays'. It has everything to do with personal liberty.

If you don't want to work for someone, or someone doesn't want to work for you - everyone should be fine with that. Look at it this way, would you want to be forced to work for these assholes?

People who are saying they won't work for you 'because...reasons' are simply assholes, and here's a pro-tip, whether you identify as gay or straight or a fucking spayed martian demigod you don't want to do business with someone that you consider an asshole, or that considers you an asshole.

There are so many people who do want your business, no matter who you are, and when you engage those people, you and they form an instant mutual support community that is nothing but positive. Seek THOSE businesses out, and to hell with the others, they're not worth your time. That they missed the opportunity to increase their earnings through engaging you is their dilemma, not yours.

Don't fertilize the hate 💖 but if you're going to pick a hill to die on, sweet babeh jeebus, you can do so much better than this.

In the interest of full disclosure, I am not gay, neither do I have a problem doing business with gay people, but if you're an asshole, I will kick you to the curb, as they say, no matter what part of the sexual spectrum you have personally staked out.

I put 'gay' in quotes because I don't want a single person to think I'm using the word negatively; indeed, my point is, this is not about being gay or being a gay person refused service. Don't let them make their asinine behavior about you. Just get away from them.

This is about being forced to do business with someone with whom you do not wish to engage in business. and I'm not defending these jerks, I'm just trying to clue you in that you don't want to eat one of their damn cakes anyway, and I sure wouldn't want to eat or serve a cake I forced them to bake in court.

Come on y'all, this is common sense, why is this even a thing.

melmc , to Politics

Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss was an inside job

There are numerous bombshells in the congressional testimony of two IRS whistleblowers, but the most significant is that members of Trump’s Department of Justice helped to tip the 2020 election to his opponent by slow-walking the investigation into Hunter Biden.

melmc OP ,

Your logic lesson for today:
The genetic fallacy is the act of rejecting or accepting an argument on the basis of its origin rather than its content. Under the genetic fallacy, we judge a claim by paying too much attention to its source or history, even though this criticism is irrelevant to the truth of the claim.
If you understand the genetic fallacy you should realize that calling the originator of the argument a name is insufficient to refute the argument.

melmc , to Politics

Audio Of Trump Conversation About Secret Iran Attack Plan Contradicts His Denial
The audio makes clear that Trump had a specific document in his hand prepared by the Defense Department that was still secret and had not been declassified by him, contrary to his denial in an Bret Baier interview that he just had a stack of news clippings.

look997 , to Politics avatar

High-functioning autistic people should come out of the shadows.

They should openly say that they are best suited to rule and have the best ideas, i.e. libertarian ones.

This should not be an insult to Korwin or Mentzen that they are autistic (Asperger's), it should be an open advantage, and only such people should be admitted to the party.

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