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DarkGamer OP , to Politics in Republicans try to stop military’s electrification with mind-bogglingly dumb proposals
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

That Gosar guy is a dipshit.

As signified by the (R)

DarkGamer OP , to Politics in Matt Gaetz would rather have Russia than Ukraine in NATO
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

His deep-red district is in panhandle Florida, which has a reputation for inbreeding in the United States and is close to Alabama both culturally and physically. Evidently they like his abhorrent behavior.

DarkGamer , to Politics in Inflation is plummeting across America except in Ron DeSantis’ Florida
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

CPI is a better indicator for anyone who isn't living on trust fund growth, and that shit is up 12.3% since July 2021 nationwide.

That's unsurprising given how much of inflation was driven by food and energy costs. More info here for those who want to know more about the difference between these related metrics.

DarkGamer , to Politics in Inflation is plummeting across America except in Ron DeSantis’ Florida
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

Marketwatch notes that “the rate of inflation in the Tampa Bay region was the highest in the country. Prices rose an estimated 7.3% from June 2022 to June 2023, well above the 3% rate for the nation as a whole.”
Last month as well, inflation was huge across much of Florida.
“Residents in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach area saw prices shoot up 9% in May compared with a year earlier. By comparison, nationwide inflation for the same period was less than half that rate, with prices rising 4% in May compared with a year earlier,” CBS News reported on Tuesday. “People living in the Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater area have it slightly easier, with inflation rising at a 7.3% annual pace, but that’s still much higher than the U.S. as a whole.”
“Florida’s inflation rates are skyrocketing and the state now leads the nation thanks mostly to the rising cost of housing,” NBC Miami reports Wednesday.
In fact, many reports point to housing prices, which shot up 55% in Florida since the start of the pandemic, compared to 40% nationwide, CBS noted.

Ignoring real issues to scapegoat minorities and fight a culture war that alienates migrant labor and discourages business investment? Destroying his state's economy to throw off the national curve and own the libs? Either way, bold move, Cotton. How's that working out?

Among GOP voters, DeSantis is now at just 17%, which matches his all-time low says Morning Consult. He “is losing ground to Biden: DeSantis trails Biden by 5 percentage points in a hypothetical general election match-up, and hasn’t outperformed the incumbent since March.” source

Oh, I see.

DarkGamer , to Politics in Marjorie Taylor Greene officially 'kicked out' of Freedom Caucus, Rep. Ken Buck says
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., has been removed from the conservative group, citing her repeated “attacks” on GOP colleagues.

The vile, stupid, shocking, racist, anti-American things that she constantly spewed didn't bother them, but criticizing fellow Republicans? Unacceptable! Narcissistic sociopaths can't have that.

DarkGamer OP , to Politics in Trump asks for classified documents trial to take place after 2024 election
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

I really hate people saying invoking the 14th for his insurrection is unprecedented like the act itself is the problem. It’s also unprecedented that we have a political candidate that tried to overturn the last election by force of violence (you know, an actual bonafide insurrection). ... The 14th established the precedent

That's not what's being said here, and the precedent regarding the 14th probably isn't what you're presuming. From the article I linked above:

The [14th] amendment was invoked one time in more than a century to bar someone from office
There is some historical precedent, as the amendment has been used to bar someone from office — but only once in more than a century.
In 1919, Congress used the 14th Amendment to bar Victor Berger, a socialist from Wisconsin and an elected official, from joining the House because he actively opposed the US entering World War I.
In that case, a special committee convened and concluded that Berger was unfit for office. He was then barred by a simple majority in the Senate and the House. Because of this, some believe congressional precedent shows only a simple majority is needed.
But Congress barring someone from joining its own body is notably different, Kalir said.
"To think that the US Congress could prevent someone from becoming president of the United States other than through impeachment is big — it's a big legal leap."
Berger's case was also 102 years ago, and there has been no use of this section since.
Kalir said if it were invoked today, it could be challenged in court and ultimately take years to play out.

It might be possible, but it's never been done before so it's likely to be challenged and appealed. Since Republicans have corrupted the supreme court I wouldn't hold my breath that this will work, nor do I expect majorities in both houses to uphold the law when it comes to Trump. It should certainly be attempted regardless.

DarkGamer OP , (edited ) to Politics in Ron DeSantis under pressure as Florida malaria cases spread
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

We eliminated malaria in the USA at great cost and effort in the 50's. Now this is all being undone by a GOP that would rather scapegoat drag queens and engage in a culture war than govern and keep Americans safe from disease. The pandemic, embracing of anti-vaxxers, scapegoating the CDC with conspiracy theories, an irrational hatred of Fauci, promotion of quack cures like ivermectin, and all the distrust in public health they have sown has made Republicans de facto pro-disease.

DarkGamer OP , to Politics in MyPillow is auctioning off equipment after losing retailers
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

Now I'm picturing Mike Liddell's face melting. Nice. XD

DarkGamer , to Star Trek in Star Trek's First Gay Ship-Mates? The Star-Crossed Romance of Garak & Bashir
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

So much for fully automated luxury gay space communism.

DarkGamer OP , to Politics in MyPillow is auctioning off equipment after losing retailers
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

The schadenfreude from election deniers suffering the consequences of their own actions sustains me. 😌

Agreed. It feels a lot like watching Indiana Jones beat up Nazis, except Trump supporters' wounds are self-inflicted. I'm glad there are consequences for this, for a while there it seemed like we were rewarding the worst actors. Sadly, lying, narcissistic, boorish louts remain popular on the right.

DarkGamer OP , to Politics in Trump asks for classified documents trial to take place after 2024 election
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

The courts need to act quickly though, because obviously he will stall for time in the hopes he’ll be president again and able to pardon himself.

Unfortunately, a felony conviction would not disqualify Trump from running. He could run from prison like Eugene V. Debs did. To disqualify Trump the best bet would be invoking the 14th amendment for having, "engaged in insurrection or rebellion," but that would be unprecedented, it's an open question whether congress could disqualify a presidential candidate, and that's a different matter than the classified documents scandal.

DarkGamer , to Politics in ‘Whistleblower’ who accused Bidens of corruption charged with arms trafficking (and acting as an unregistered agent of China)
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

The GOP, where every accusation is a confession.

DarkGamer OP , to Politics in Trump asks for classified documents trial to take place after 2024 election
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

I'm sure he will continue to spew self-justifying lies, but that's not how any of this works. The crimes he's accused of are a slam dunk, heaps of evidence, Trump was even bragging about having the classified documents and showing them off to others to self-aggrandize and gain favor, including Kid Rock of all people.

DarkGamer OP , to Politics in Trump asks for classified documents trial to take place after 2024 election
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

Obviously he wants to pardon himself. Trump fancies himself to be above the law, and until now he hasn't had any meaningful consequences for his many illegal and immoral acts.

DarkGamer OP , (edited ) to Politics in MyPillow is auctioning off equipment after losing retailers
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

"We lost $100 million from attacks by the box stores, the shopping networks, the shopping channels, all of them did cancel culture on us."

Funny how when people show them the door for being lying antidemocratic assholes, that's "cancel culture." Meanwhile the right seems quite happy to exclude people from public life, refuse services to groups they don't like, make it easy for bosses to fire employees for unionizing or speaking out, and right wing media is quite fond of cutting mics or banning people when they disagree. They are quire happy to perform their own boycotts because they hate trans people and companies that don't. For some reason they don't call any of that 'cancel culture.'

Mike, people just don't want to support you and don't want you around because you're a dangerous, disingenuous, fascism advocate. Our nation would have been better off if he had remained a crackhead and never participated in promoting and amplifying Trump's lies.

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