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beteljuice , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

Go do your homework before your mom gets mad.

beteljuice , (edited ) to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

You changed your comment after I replied.

You also moved the goalposts. The original premise was that Nazis don’t deserve free speech or protection from violence. Now we are switching to state department propaganda, with “the terrorists, oh my!”.

I’m not defending anyone, so fuck off with that bullshit now. I am simply trying to establish the facts. I only brought up one person, not a multitude. I’m not aware of any violent threats that he made.

Fuck you types that value fighting “your enemy” over facts and understanding. I won’t be bucketed as a sympathizer or right wing just because I challenge factually inaccurate information about a shithead. It’s such a lazy disingenuous fucked up asshole thing to do, to label someone as the outgroup for disagreeing with you. Fuck you, trash.

But you hella moved the goalposts. You all are really proving my point that you just have vague arbitrary moving lines you draw around people you don’t like so you can act like shitheads yourselves and feel good about it.

beteljuice , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

You are sure. I guess caps lock proves it. Lol. Half of journalists are stochastic terrorists, whatever the fuck that means. Guess we should burn down fox news and CNN.

beteljuice , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

So much to unpack here. Not sure what country you are from, but in the US slander is already illegal, and orthogonal to fadcism.

And how is stochastic terrorism equivalent to radical fascist antagonism. And how would you prove stochastic terrorism? Just decide in your own and then lynch without trial? I have no idea how that would even be enforced in a legal framework. You gotta give me something here. I’m not just gonna go with twitter justice, sorry.

beteljuice , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

“probably”. Ok I guess that’s good enough for violence and censorship. The point of this discussion wasn’t to determine whether he was a Nazi. You got lost. The point was that your mob justice is stupid and deadly. You can just label anyone you want then go ham open season on. them. You aren’t even sure yourself whether he’s a nazi for fuck sake.

beteljuice , (edited ) to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

You are disingenuous trash. Gaslighting asshole. Just say any garbage that comes to mind whether it matches reality or not.

Typical bullshit strategy:

  1. Throw out some misinformation or half truth, like "Hitler ate Jewish babies on toast"
  2. Wait for someone to correct your bullshit, due to it being factually incorrect.
  3. Scream like a 11 year old on a middle school courtyard about “look at the Nazi defender” with emojis and all

You are advocating censorship and violence without due process to those you disagree with. You just need to categorize someone is part of some group who is exempt from due process for some reason, and then flip out with sneering and ad hominem if anyone disagrees with your bullshit. Sounds like fascism to me.

I’m certain I’ve done more for left wing causes than your trolling ass. You are the worst, trolls that identify as left wing and give the rest of us a bad name. You aren’t interested in facts or peace. You only care about us vs them and waging war. You probably think facts and nuanced discussion is a right wing thing.

Fuck off scum.

beteljuice , (edited ) to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

I don’t think you are correct that he provided a list directly to atomwaffen. I’m open to being wrong, but could find any evidence of this.

He met with a group that associated with Atomwaffen. So he’s fascist-adjacent-adjacent. He is a hack journalist catering to a shitty audience for money, kind of like Tim Pool or Jimmy Dore or Joe Rogan. If this is the kind of person who deserves violence and censorship then you are only proving my point further.

Curious if you are an anarchist or believe in the rule of law. If the latter, what would be the legal boundary between people who deserve censorship and violence without due process?

beteljuice , (edited ) to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

Yeah see you act just like a gestapo yourself. You are implying that Ngo is a Nazi and deserves to be silenced and have violence committed against him. But he is not a Nazi. You create these vague boundaries and bundle anyone as a Nazi if it suits your purpose, even if they only associated with someone who associated with someone else that is a Nazi. Virtually everyone is 2 degrees of separation from a Nazi, so you are probably a Nazi by these absurd notions.

Once again, free speech is a leftist stance, and people aren’t Nazis just because you don’t like them. You disingeously use this “Nazis don’t deserve free speech” because you know you will use it against everyone, Nazi or not.

That being said, Andy Ngo is a loser and an asshole spreading the wrong ideas. Not a Nazi though.

beteljuice , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

I’m not defending him at all, but he is clearly not a Nazi.

Also thanks for proving my point.

beteljuice , (edited ) to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

I suggest you educate yourself. Look into David Brock. They have think tanks, political action committees, and lobbyists working full time to shape their messaging. They have direct representation at CNN, MSNBC, and NPR to amplify their talking points.

All major political parties are is propaganda machines. To claim they don’t have coordinated messaging is like saying that lions don’t hunt. It’s absurd in the extreme. “laughable”. Ooookkkk.

Look into Correct the Record, or Hamilton 68. Get your head out of your ass.

beteljuice , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

You sound like a reactionary and you haven’t been paying attention. The free speech issues have spread WELL beyond the small population of Nazis and white supremacists, but go on with your straw man… I’ve seen videos of right wing journalists of asian ethnicity being attacked due to being a “Nazi”. Everyone you don’t like is a crypto Nazi, which is why your attitude is the fascist one. Unless they claim to be a Nazi, doing salutes and wearing swastikas, then they aren’t a fucking nazi. That’s why Germany has very specific laws about this.

beteljuice , to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

The DNC as victims, that’s rich! Hahahahah

beteljuice , (edited ) to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

I’d continue talking to you but your snide “uh huh sure” directly implies you don’t believe me and are not discussing in good faith so you suck it if you don’t trust my words. Why would I waste my time on Lemmy making up shit like that? I’m not some 16yo edgelord on 4chan. I’m almost 50 in west Los Angeles and know many people that are hard left on any political topics, do social work, help homeless people and immigrants, support any social programs you could think of. But they aren’t highly political and don’t make their identity about politics, so they are easily fooled by DNC propaganda.

beteljuice , (edited ) to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

The Democrats enable this. They know exactly what they are doing, and have the same corporate sponsors as the Republicans. They spent literally billions of dollars to railroad Sanders’ agenda, but let Manchin and Sinema run amok. They do that because Manchin and Sinema are the levers by which they can either decide to make something policy or use as an excuse why they couldn’t adopt some policy, since somehow the two parties are always split 50/50 in some magical way that coincidentally benefits their corporate rulers.

The Democrats work with the Republicans to enact the corporatist agenda.

beteljuice , (edited ) to Politics in Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.

What exactly is the Democrat philosophy LOL. They have no consistency. They are just the opposite stance of the republicans on any particular issue (except for sucking off their corporate sponsors), so they will left or right wing on different subjects. For instance they used to be the party of free speech, which is absolutely a leftist stance, but since the right wing has latched onto it, now the Democrats are no longer in support.

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