Ildsaye , (edited ) to Star Trek in Dr. Pulaski Appreciation Post

Had a childhood crush on Dr. Crusher, but maturity has brought me a middle aged crush on Pulaski. Wish they'd had some guest appearances by her after season 2.

GenderNeutralBro , to Star Trek in Dr. Pulaski Appreciation Post

Pulaski had interesting dynamics with almost every other character. I think she was written very well, especially for such a short tenure. Crusher was largely neglected by the writers.

xyguy OP ,

I agree. And its a real shame. I also remember seeing Pulaski sitting in the chair next to Picard relatively often where I think of Crusher being in the medical bay far more. That could just be my own memory though.

EmpathicVagrant ,

She didn’t need the writers, she had her candlelit alone time.

Telodzrum , to Star Trek in Dr. Pulaski Appreciation Post

I know she’s getting a lot of love online recently, but I just don’t agree. She’s written as a dollar-store McCoy because the show didn’t know what the wanted and her acting is as stiff and blunt as it comes. Not only is Crusher a more interesting character, Gates is a much better actress.

Numberone , to Star Trek in Dr. Pulaski Appreciation Post

First TNG watch throughl, she was And impediment to s02 crusher. But as I've watched repeatedly, she was a great character who made her presence known. She wasn't perfect, but she was interesting and she changed as the season went on wrt Data. I still think she was a eagerly underrated character.

Kolanaki , to Star Trek in Dr. Pulaski Appreciation Post avatar

I like her in so far as that she made Data even stronger by constantly challenging him. But she is also a stark contrast of the rest of the vibe on the show. Clearly they wanted a Bones analogue but it just didn't work. I've also read a lot about how she operated on set and didn't seem like everyone really got along with her, which kinda shows in the season.

reddig33 , to Star Trek in Dr. Pulaski Appreciation Post

Fantastic actress. She kicked ass as Rosalynd Sheas on L. A. Law among other great roles. Did a great job as Pulaski as well. I really wish Trek would give Pulaski a shout out on one of the other series currently in production.

MacedWindow , to Star Trek in Dr. Pulaski Appreciation Post avatar

No one ever appreciated her

AlternateRoute , to Star Trek in Dr. Pulaski Appreciation Post

I am somewhat neutral on her, when she was introduced I kind of felt she was a gender swapped bones to setup the bones / spock dynamic but with data.

Sadly the only thing I remember her for is being mean to data, getting rapidly aged, and replacing Picard’s heart, that is 3 out of 22 episodes she is credited in.

For me Crusher vs Pulaski somewhat comes down to bedside manner/ compassion. Pulaski just comes across as a bit blunt and prickly at times and Pulaski just has fewer memorable episodes due to only having the one season.

dm_me_your_feet , (edited ) to Star Trek in Dr. Pulaski Appreciation Post

She hated on Data, she can burn in hell.
Beverly Kusher otoh is Bae, only bested by EMH who is best doctor.

JupiterThirdMoon , to Star Trek in Giveaway! Win your Steam Copy of the 'Captain’s Edition' of Star Trek: Resurgence!

I've always loved Star Trek and had a blast with Elite Force. I'm really excited for Resurgence because it looks like it's going to have a much deeper story. Can't wait to explore the USS ship and see all the new features!

BeardedSingleMalt , to Star Trek in Giveaway! Win your Steam Copy of the 'Captain’s Edition' of Star Trek: Resurgence!

I'm definitely curious to see how it ties into the ST:Resurgence comic from last year! Plus the cameos!

bleistift2 , to Star Trek in Star Trek: Day of Blood - Shaxs' Best Day nominated for 2024 Eisner Award

I didn’t know there was a comic series. I guess I’ll read that since Amazon pulled their animated series off of Prime.

USSBurritoTruck OP Mod , avatar

Right now there are two ongoing series, Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant, and there's frequently a number of mini-series happening as well.

They're pretty fan service heavy, which works for me but I know some people find that to be a hurdle.

askryan , to Star Trek in Star Trek: Day of Blood - Shaxs' Best Day nominated for 2024 Eisner Award

I loved this issue. If they ever decide to canonize anything in the comics, I hope it's this one.

StillPaisleyCat , (edited ) to Star Trek in Giveaway! Win your Steam Copy of the 'Captain’s Edition' of Star Trek: Resurgence! avatar

Yes please!!!!

I have absolutely been waiting for this to be released to Steam.

Finding games that I can share with our teens on Steam is challenging but important for keeping connected. So, we’re often looking for games that appeal to more than one of us. When we buy it’s 2, 3 or 4 keys. Having one for free to start would be great.

Resurgence really looks to offer the kind of role playing that makes sharing the journey in parallel fun.

ensignharper , to Star Trek in Giveaway! Win your Steam Copy of the 'Captain’s Edition' of Star Trek: Resurgence!

Always love a good, well thought out story based game. Looking forward to one set in my favourite universe! 😍

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