
rbreich , to Random avatar

Trump’s tax law cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.

What did corporations do with the money saved?

They didn’t invest it or raise wages.

They spent a record $1 trillion on stock buybacks the year after the law went into effect.

Nothing trickled down to workers.

dikfraser , avatar

@rbreich So the trickle is controlled by the tricklers. Tricky!

daveeater ,

@rbreich Stock buybacks used to be illegal (New Deal era). These laws need to be re-established.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

Would watch!

WhiteCatTamer , avatar

@georgetakei Usain Bolt comes in second to a 37 year old woman from South Carolina with a 16 month on one shoulder and a 6 year old in tow.

AddisonAlbright , avatar

I’d watch that, but I’d rather watch an event where people try to roast the ice cream man as hilariously as this little British girl: 😂

rbreich , to Random avatar

What a week of fireworks!

From SCOTUS blowing up the rule of law…

to the Biden/Stephanopoulos interview…

to Trump playing dumb about his own Project 2025…

Heather Lofthouse of @imcivicaction & I get into it all in the Coffee Klatch. Watch this:

Gurre , avatar

Imagine the media jumping on Trump after the verdict like they have on Biden after the debate. Crazy thought!

lsitongia , avatar

Drumpf did say that be wishes Project 2025 luck (not that need it).

georgetakei , to Random avatar

You're hired!

TheDarcBird , avatar


That’s good enough for my team

cqd_sos , avatar

The positive attitude is what counts.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
nemeciii , avatar

@georgetakei grounding was the least thing to do.

What I would have done would be that he'd have to come clean about the prank to the girl and apologize. Then as an apology offer money for a fine dining dinner at a central location on his expense from his monthly allowance. He wouldn't be at the dinner.

What a dimwit son, I would have made him do all the chores in addition. 😡

tony , avatar

@georgetakei Boys will be boys? Retch. In the 21st century that phrase should have been banished for good.

rbreich , to Random avatar

The argument against regulation is always the same: “It stifles growth and jobs.”

But just as tax cuts for corporations have not trickled down, regulatory cuts have not benefited most people.

Big companies enjoy bigger profits. Working people bear the costs.

nutmeg ,


Lack of regulations costs lives.

karlauerbach , avatar

@rbreich Smart corporations use regulation as a cudgel to crush competition.

For example, AT&T achieved its monopoly by seeking regulated status as a way to dominate and exterminate the independent telephone companies of the early telephone era. AT&T used regulation as a weapon in ways that were outrageous - witness the amazing Hush-A-Phone case where AT&T tried to ban what amounted to a mere passive plastic hand that could be attached to a telephone in order to better focus voice into the terrible carbon microphones of the 1940s.

Right now the Internet has relatively loose standards for attachment and interoperation. I fully anticipate that we will be seeing efforts to constrict this on the grounds of security or reliability or whatever, much as the 5G telco universe is largely closed to those who do not dance to the monopolistic tune.

rbreich , to Random avatar

The Supreme Court has greenlit Trump's plan to be a "dictator on Day One." Here's what that could look like.

TAI , avatar

@rbreich what gave us this SCOTUS? democracy, What gave us trump: democracy. And still nobody sees anything wrong here

shanen , avatar


The is merely correcting our misunderstanding of the Constitution. You thought "execute the Office" was about faithfully following the laws? Silly you. Execute means kill and now the can kill his office and any laws (or political opponents) he doesn't like. No idea why it took the six of them over 100 pages to explain such a silly little mistake.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

A true friend! 🍕❤️

mrbruno , avatar

@georgetakei What's to select? THICK! End of story.

CrypticMirror , avatar

@georgetakei I asked for help once, but they said "get stuffed".

georgetakei , to Random avatar
virtuous_sloth , avatar

@georgetakei I do not see much discussion of the approach of having a conversation with the other person where you explain how their behavior (lack of initiation of social situations) make her feel and giving the other person a chance to talk.

Might be a little more productive than a more passive approach, giving the latter might verge on passive-aggresive depending on context.

jaykuo , to Random avatar

This week’s Just for Xeets and Giggles is out, and MAGA billboards remain unintentionally funny. For the whole collection, see the link in the replies!

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