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be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar

I deleted a 10+ year old account a couple of years ago. The accounts I deleted when the ruckus started were those I'd been using since then.

That 10 year old account a couple years ago bugged me awhile because I had the conceit that anyone at all on Reddit recognized my name or cared what I had to say. Eventually I got over that.

As a result, I felt almost no sting from wiping and deleting the younger ones. Maybe 5 minutes of feeling a little weird about it until I realized I'd given up exactly nothing.

LegendofDragoon , avatar

I do feel like I recognize people here more probably because of the avatars. I see you around a lot, and I recognize Nepenthe, catch 42, and otomechan based on their avatars.

Funnily enough I always think you're Ernest for half a second before I realize I've done it again.

be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar

Hah I could see how the avatar is similar at first glance. :-)

melroy , avatar

@be_excellent_to_each_other I follow you now :) +1 karma hhehe

be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar

Aw thanks!

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