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ezmack ,

I say this with all sincerity; log off. Just for a bit to reset your relationship with sites like reddit. If you do you won’t care what happens on reddit

MonkeyScryer OP ,

Thanks. You’re right. I don’t have much of an option since I got the 7 day ban for calling the mods “pigs” and “cowards” for permabanning me from a subreddit. I need to touch grass, delete that account so Spez has less numbers, and then build up stuff on here.

ijustdoeyes , avatar

I think we're missing a bit of context here.


Mods may “work for free”, but they sure get a kick with powertripping. Fuck them, just like admins and Spez.

Bizarroland , avatar

I left the site when they announced the API changes and honestly it's kind of like coming down off of a drug. I was so used to filling my free time by just Doom scrolling through Reddit and without rif to make it easy for me it just isn't worth the effort. I'm not going to use their shitty app, I'm not going to browse their mobile site, and I'm not going to support a company that doesn't listen to its users.

I don't use Facebook or any meta products for that reason.

I don't shop at Walmart for similar reasons. I don't shop at Amazon for similar reasons. I don't shop at home Depot for similar reasons. Vote with your wallet, vote with your time, and that's not just at the polls but in your daily life.

You may be a drop in the bucket but don't be a drop in a bucket of gasoline when the world is already on fire.

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