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Yerbouti ,

I went to Reddit today for a simple, politly asked question. First time in 51 days. It turned into a shitshow within 2 hours, with people being incredibly mean toward me and others. Man, Reddit has become everything I hate about social media. I use to like it because it was easy to have civil discussion, but thats gone now.

ubermeisters , avatar

Reddit is a LOT of bots now. The bots were trained on existing bots, and trolls. Reddit will never change as a direct result of this heritage of awfulness.

admiralteal ,

This is the Twitter effect.

The more the engaging and respectful leave for greener pastures, the more concentrated the bile left behind is... the more someone trying to be engaging or respectful is compelled to leave.

The only way out of the death spiral for Reddit is to either totally revamp the way they engage the community (not going to happen) or else to completely give up to being a mil-deep platform primarily for advertisers, trolls, and bots.

snownyte OP , avatar

You can't even rant and vent about anything on there anymore. There's like a group of self-proclaimed curators going around that is judging what's a validated rant or not. There's just a lot of stupid characters people play themselves up as on Reddit and even on other platforms like this one. They must live incredibly boring lives to go the lengths they've had to act like this, while still proclaiming the people they're targeting, are the problem.

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