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gregorum , avatar

in all of my years living in NYC, this has happened on no fewer than 4 occasions— seeing aa missing pet sign and then looking over to see that pet just sitting there or walking around nearby. yes, I called the owners.

Lucidlethargy , avatar

Holy crap, you’ve found four missing pets? That’s pretty damn amazing.

ElBarto , avatar

Found feels like a stretch, seems like NY cats have worked out that those poles are a taxi service just for them, so they just look for their pole and wait till their chauffeur to arrive.

Grass ,

Nah I wouldn’t be surprised. Bastards are smart and assholes.

intensely_human ,

I’ve never even found a four leaf clover. I mean, I guess the last time I tried I was like 9 but still.

Lemminary ,

Impressive! Wow, you go outside that often, huh.

Klear ,

Oh, what am I saying. Of course you don’t.

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