Momma deer stashed this little guy by my gate. ( )

Hopefully she comes back for him soon. That spot isn't going to be shaded in an hour or two, and it's inside my yard, so the dogs are going to definitely investigate and bother him when I take them back out.

Update: Momma deer still MIA, but little guy is just about out of shade. Took the dogs out one at a time on leashes, and they seem to only be mildly interested in him. I was afraid they'd get all worked up like they do with squirrels and rabbits. I may need to still move him so he's not in the 91 degree sun, but won't have to move him as far.

Update #2 It moved itself further into the remaining shade, so prob good for another hour or so.

Update #3: It moved itself to the last bit of shade in the corner of the fence, so I hung an old jacket across the top and made a sun shade for him. Trying to avoid moving him if at all possible.

Final Update: Momma seems to have come back to pick up little dude. Went back to check, and he was gone. They normally don't wander off, so I'm assuming mom came back for him.

Bonus Aww:

My Jack Russell mix giving the fawn a sniff but largely not caring about it.

vikingtons , avatar

oh look at that lil snoot 😊🥰

ptz OP , avatar

Took all of my restraint not to boop it. lol.

Crackhappy , avatar
vikingtons , avatar

The picture with your pup is especially sweet. Glad mum came back for the bebi.

Pelicanen ,

Oh my god, that picture of your dog carefully smelling it might just make my heart explode.

Anticorp ,

I was thinking that the deer must be terrified. Wolves are natural predators for deer in the wild.

Pelicanen ,

I'm not sure that fawn feel much fear since they're supposed to lie in one spot and wait for their mother, a quick search turned up "Very young fawns do not appear to have any natural fear of predators, and may even walk up to humans" although I haven't been able to conclusively verify the claim.

Anticorp ,

Well that's a rare mercy from mother nature then.

vikingtons , avatar

very cautious sneef 😊🥰

HEXN3T , avatar

This image fills me with serotonin

ThelittleDoe , avatar

Wehhh ;w; poor little guy... I hope he finds his momma soon :c Thank you for watching him. ❤️

ptz OP , avatar

Just updated again. Looks like she did come back for him. At least, I'm assuming she did. They normally don't wander off from where their mom stashes them.

ThelittleDoe , avatar

That's great to hear! ^°^ Hopefully he wasn't too afraid. Thank you again for keeping an eye on him. Very cute pup, btw :3

not_woody_shaw ,

Did she come back?

ptz OP , avatar

Not yet.

Got about 30 minutes of shade left in that spot, and about an hour before I have to let the dogs out. I'm afraid I may have to move him.

Luckily, I think it's the same one that I usually see in the back yard, so I can prob move him there without momma having too much trouble finding him. Gonna wear gloves and try to minimize the amount of my scent that may get transferred.

Albbi ,

Aww, love that update. Glad the dogs aren't too interested in playing with it.

Poem_for_your_sprog ,

A tick bomb!

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