
@[email protected]

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Anticorp ,

I was thinking that the deer must be terrified. Wolves are natural predators for deer in the wild.

Anticorp ,

Well that's a rare mercy from mother nature then.

Anticorp ,

I so wish there were a bunch of cops parked out front.

Anticorp ,

In my young adulthood I dug ditches and framed houses for 8 hours per day in 110 degree heat. We got 3 breaks two 10 minute breaks and one 30 minute lunch. It was... unpleasant.

Anticorp ,

Well yeah. They hold the power. They make the decisions. And they really like money. Shareholders have shown that they're okay with the ridiculous compensation packages that CEOs build for themselves. Most notable was Musk's recent 59 BILLION dollar compensation package which is absolutely completely fuckin ridiculous bonkers, but his shareholders approved it for who knows what reason. Fucking morons.

Anticorp ,

Wealth flows up. Yeah sure, it trickles down too. But what happens when you build a pump that makes water from a basin flow up into a tank, and only let it trickle back down? The tank gets fuller and the basin loses its water.

Anticorp ,

And that $1 million was actually something like $245 million. Lying liar always lies.

Anticorp ,

That seemed a bit ridiculous, so I checked. You're right, except it's not just revenue, it's profit. They make about $900k profit every minute.

Anticorp ,

I still wouldn't be able to, since I spend all my money on my crippling avocado toast addiction.

Anticorp ,

That is absolutely insane. Completely bonkers. They're making more money in one day than most businesses have made over the course of the founder's entire life, throughout the entire history of the world.

Anticorp ,

It's a shame that they never went to school. If they had an elementary level education they would know what happens to successionists.

Anticorp ,

It sounds like you messed up the key binding for the enter key and fingerprint scanner. Boot to a live CD, mount your partition, chroot into the OS, delete your changes to whatever file that process you ran uses. You can try just deleting the file and reinstalling defaults if you can find a command that reinitializes it!.

Anticorp ,

My boy has since passed on, but he would never consider leaving us. So we just let him off the leash on the trails. Whenever we heard people ahead of us we'd call him back and put him back on the leash until they were out of earshot again. It never caused any problems in the 12 years he was with us. Such a precious, beautiful boy.

Anticorp ,

Such a good boy! He just needed to know where he belongs.

Anticorp ,


Anticorp ,

I saw the original of this at the MOHAI in Seattle. There was an entire movement back then, which was somewhat successful. That movement gave us our golden age that our grandparents and parents enjoyed. Thousands of people fought and bled for better working conditions. It is because of them that we have a 40 hour, 5 day work week, instead of laboring endlessly for little reward. We are seeing a resurgence of the conditions that led to that movement because we have become complacent, and those in power will always take as much as they can, and push as far as they're allowed.

Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.

--Frederock Douglas

Anticorp ,

It's a fun idea, but the bird is trying to crack the golf balls to get to the juicy egg stuff inside.

Private Equity Firm Bought My Employer

It was majority employee-owned before the acquisition but is now majority owned by private equity firm. The main change I'm noticing is that everyone is being pressured to work uncompensated overtime (we're all on salary here) and requests for training/professional development have been all but eliminated. They also initially...

Anticorp ,

they'll sell just anything the company owns to another company owned by them, just to lease everything back so the company can accumulate dept

I'm assuming the last word was meant to be debt. How is this legal when it's blatantly obvious that they're essentially stealing money from their other debtors when they file bankruptcy? This is just theft with a few more steps.

Anticorp ,

Part IV is the one I'd really pay to see in theaters.

Anticorp ,

They'll both kill ya, it's just that the cold is more likely to get to you first if you're unprepared. If you're prepared then the bear will have a nice wrapped meal.

Anticorp ,

The unfamiliar one wasn't just a jerk, it was sick. He talks about how he's pretty sure that bear was going to eat him if it stuck around, and sure enough, that bear ate him. You'd think he'd choose not to stick around since the bear was obviously contemplating a tasty meal, but nope. He not only stayed there, he brought his girlfriend along as a side dish.

Anticorp ,

I think it was the animal trainer for the Gladiator movie who said that you can turn your back on lions, and treat them like dogs, but you better never turn your back on one of the tigers, or you're dead.

Anticorp ,

Most of those 400k black bears will never see people though. They live in the wilds. Only a small percentage of bears come into contact with people, and they know they're the boss.

Anticorp ,

A black bear is more likely to scamper off. A brown bear is going to expect you to scamper off. As an avid backpacker, I'm not stoked about the plan to reintroduce brown bears to my state.

Anticorp ,

Awe! 😊

Anticorp ,

House cats will eat you if you die alone in a house with them.

Anticorp ,

There's a dog breed that looks like a little bear.

Anticorp ,

Probably for the same reason that racoons make terrible pets. They'll eat anything, and are very smart, so nothing in your pantry is safe.

Anticorp ,

Any thoughts I ever had of getting a raccoon for a pet were just destroyed.

Anticorp ,

The problem with that is then you don't see all of the other wildlife that is fun to come across while in the wilderness. You won't have any more random deer or racoon sightings, since everything will run from your bell. Obviously it's better to be safer, but I'm generally pretty happy that we don't have fearless apex predators in our forests. We have a few apex predators with the black bear, grey wolf, and cougar, but those are all very wary of humans, and generally not a threat like the brown bear would be.

Anticorp ,

My favorite poem ever about the cold is The Cremation Of Sam McGee.

kde , to KDE avatar

If you don't use Bing with Edge, Microsoft will tell you your computer needs repairing.

They are not wrong.

To mend your machine:

  1. Ditch Windows
  2. Install Plasma
  3. Your computer is ready.


A laptop running the laters version of Plasma, Plasma 6.

Anticorp ,

Dark pattern and antitrust legislation doesn't mean anything if it's not enforced.

Anticorp ,

Please tell me you have another kitty named Mad Martigan.

Anticorp ,

Half the people who wave you through have weird little control fetishes. They're not being polite, they're pursuing feelings of power. They're the same people driving 5 mph under the speed limit in the passing lane to "keep other people from speeding".

Anticorp ,

People are fucking stupid. People behind the wheel of a car are even more stupid.

Anticorp ,

I didn't just pull it out of my ass, it's a perspective I've seen espoused on this very platform, and also on Reddit.

Anticorp ,

I could not find any other pictures of these two in your profile, but I did see lots of other cute pictures

Anticorp ,

I didn't see the cat at first and thought you were giving us the age of the wolf pillow.

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