Never forget the greatest moment in r/Drama's history, when the mods banned all of r/Teenagers and turned out they were creepy middle aged "hebephiles." ( )

It is still frequently mentioned on Reddit and social media to this day.

Here is the post copied w/archive links so you don’t give spez traffic:

Greetings my delicious petite pooties!

It was decided from GAWD above that all zoomers must be eradicated from our hallowed halls so our fabby bot master set up a presh computer robot to ban everyone that has ever posted (a healthy amount of comments) in r/Teenagers. How fun! We did our bestests to make sure that we weren’t just banning randos that found their way there from r/all and really did a super duper job of making sure that we were banning consistent users of that subreddit. We don’t want any of those pesky zoomer scums in our pristine internet forum, now do we?

Our ban message simply said “Underage” and we got a lot of responses, mostly from people declaring that they are totes adults, namely - middled aged people.

We. Got. So. Many responses from people that are way too old to be posting r/Teenagers that we took a look at their post histories.

Turns out a lot of them are fucking disgusting.

This man said he was 56.

Here’s a 35 year old man hitting on a 14 year old.

This perv is 40.


And for your consideration: a 45 year old man talking about “Hot tween pussy”

How fun!

#: Thank you for gold! You’re fabulous. <3 <3

#: The mods of r/Teenagers responded with a boiler plate “We can’t police a million people” type of response which is fair enough.

Inb4 c/drama has it’s c/teenagers moment

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