danhakimi OP ,

You’re in your 20’s, I can tell that much. Get to your late 30’s, then we’ll talk.

Guess again, dumbass.

Maybe stop pretending you know everything about everybody. You took a stab in the dark and pretended it was knowledge. You don't need to make assumptions about how old people are because you want to use those assumptions to judge them. You told me I'm too young to know anything, and that you knew better because you were older. You just don't realize how stupid you are.

You started using Mastodon when nobody was actually using it. Things will happen in year or two from now. People are finally getting fed up with the nonsence and ads on mainstream social media. That coupled with bad decisions management wise will reduce the actual users on those platforms (bots don’t count). The time of growth is now, not 6 years ago.

Nothing has changed in the past six years. We've had multiple moments that have felt like... oh wow, people are going to start caring about the fediverse! People are going to come join and it's going to be a place where people do things! But none of those moments materialized into anything, because a million signups mean nothing if you can't find anybody to follow, can't find any followers, can't find anybody talking about anything but the fediverse, and feel, when you post, that you're shouting into the wind. You're not going to post. You're not going to come back tomorrow. You're not going to come back in a year. You tried the fediverse, there was nothing there, you went back to the social networks where society resides.

For something to change, we're going to need to have a conversation people want to join. We're going to need to build communities that people want to post in, or vote in, or lurk in, or comment in, or share posts from, or talk about, or care about. We can't just say "there's no Zuckerberg!" That's not enough.

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