danhakimi OP ,

You can pretend all you want, I know I’m right.

You never asked how I know that. The fact that you got fired up and started using curse words says a lot.

My identity is not a secret dumbass, you can look me up. You can tell me how you "know" that I'm in my twenties, but you don't, because I'm not. You "know" that in my twenties because you think my worldview is somehow less mature than yours, and that somehow explains my age. No, I'm just less of a dick than you are.

Please quote where I wrote that. I wrote older people are wiser. Not smarted, wiser. Why? Because they have more life experience. Not every older person is wiser, but those that have more than 2 synapses firing up there, usually are.

Oh, I see, so you're wiser than me because you've spent more time in your mom's basement than you think I've spent alive, huh?

Plase take a look at what has happened this year alone regarding social network platforms and you’ll see I’m right. Reddit’s API changes, Twitter limiting tweet views, Meta launching Threads and deciding to federate that platform with the fediverse. Please point at another year in which so many changes have been made on all social networks worldwide. Trust me, the time is now. If it doesn’t happen now, it’ll most probably never happen.

You're explaining why there's an opportunity now. There's still nothing happening on the fediverse. People are flocking to threads and ignoring the fediverse. I'm trying to argue that we should do something about that, make the fediverse a social network and not just a place to discuss the fediverse. You're arguing that it's probably already happened and I just haven't noticed yet. I've been here for six years. A million signups sounds like a lot, but I'm telling you, nothing has changed.

A million sign ups means a lot. If it means nothing to you

It means potential. It means opportunity. It does not mean that we've arrived, or hit an inflection point, or taken advantage of the opportunity.

Even for Reddit and Digg that took years and years.

Not nearly as long as it's taking for the fediverse. I don't want to spend six more years crossing my fingers while Threads grows and the fediverse continues to stagnate, and then wonder why people didn't bother.

Those are usually not things that people who have a higher consciousness and decided to drop the mainstream social media will be interested in.

I really... I don't understand why you're confused when I insult you. It's hard to imagine that this isn't an intentional, active attempt to be seen as a piece of shit. Do you not see how hard you have to suck to say something so stupid, so elitist, so wrong-headed as this? You do not have a higher consciousness than other people, you have one interest most people don't have. Cooking and fashion and cat gifs are not lowly interests, they're interests you don't have. Your personal preferences don't make you some kind of ubermensch, dumbass, they're just preferences.

Yes, I'm aware that the fediverse is mostly techies and nerds. That does not make it better. Reddit has plenty of room for people with different interests. Twitter has plenty of room for people with different interests. Lemmy and Kbin are designed to support different interests. But you continue to express some kind of fear that, if people who like clothes come to the Fediverse, they're somehow going to make your experience more like tiktok. Fuck off with that noise. Don't subscribe to fashion magazines, problem solved.

Be that change. Start posting on a more a link like aggregator place, like KBin or Lemmy. Mastodon is more of a microblogging thing.

I'm doing both. @malefashionadvice and similar communities are absolutely dead. I have found twelve accounts I want to follow on mastodon, half of them have never posted, and the other half are software projects. And I'm really pushing it, I'm really looking, there's just nobody talking about anything interesting.

I really feel that's the experience almost everybody on the planet would have if they tried signing up for and using mastodon. That's why those six people don't post—they came, they gave it a chance, they found a barren wasteland of nothing, and they left.

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