danhakimi OP ,

The fediverse will never offer phone numbers as a regustartion option. Why? One, it’s invasion of privacy (something the fediverse is strictly against), and two, it’s a service that costs money, while email is free.

Do you know what an option is? Are you confused about how options work? How is it an invasion of privacy to let me choose between the thing we're already able to do and a new thing that some other people might choose if they want to?

Yes, if the services offer “sign in with Google/FB/Twitter”, yes, most people will use that. Ask them if they usually use the last “sign in with email” option and you have your answer… because the other methods I mentioned requires just one click/tap, but not the email option.

No, I'm talking about services that only offer email signup. Actually, there is also eBay, which I guess offers a facebook sign in option, but my mom and sister both signed up by email, they found it easier, because they both occasionally use one of the same computers, and they didn't want to log in and out of facebook to switch ebay accounts.

It’s best that they don’t in that case.

It's best that you stop sucking your own dick about how fucking high your consciousness is and how much better you are than everybody else.

I beg to differ. There are plenty of subjects that appeal to my interests.

Okay, are you going to disagree with my point?

I still know plenty of people who signed up for accounts and never posted because there’s nothing to talk about, nobody to engage with.

You found people here talking about what you like talking about. Why shouldn't anybody else have that?

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